im gay

i want a penis in my mouth, post haste.

MOD hack?

usfreedom, please, can you explain why you quote jacks posts and turn his text to white? I am legit curious why you do this. I don't really understand the point of it. I honestly just want to know what your angle is.

I'm bored and he's a fucking idiot, who just wants to troll threads.
My latest Theory is, well, let me backtrack a bit. USF had planned on selling Hot Houses (Greenhouses) in southern Arizona, home to a portion of the Sonoran Desert. Along with that, a vast Nursery of Cacti.
Now, the way I see it. After spending 8 hours in the Hot House (in August) where the temperature reached 200 degrees, and then spending another 4 hours along the Roadside selling his Cactus Plants for 25 cents a pop, his brain was literally fried. (as a friend, I've tried to convince him to sell beads or maybe candles along the Roadside, ... maybe you can help USF receive some needed Treatment)

And here's a perfect example.

Just go back and read his post.
Are you the queer who changed my thread? If you are, I guess you can't handle the truth. Also, it's pretty stupid to accuse somebody else of being what you are. Though I have come to expect such stupidity from the morons around here.


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Are you the queer who changed my thread? If you are, I guess you can't handle the truth. Also, it's pretty stupid to accuse somebody else of being what you are. Though I have come to expect such stupidity from the morons around here.

Learn how to use the quote feature, you dumbass. :good4u:
Are you the queer who changed my thread? If you are, I guess you can't handle the truth. Also, it's pretty stupid to accuse somebody else of being what you are. Though I have come to expect such stupidity from the morons around here.

Poor Cultsmasher.
Not exactly an appreciated post. Using that word in that way is for homophobes. The people you mention are trolls or just people that like to be a jerk. Faggots are a meatball dish to an Englishman anyway.

I'm using language that these assholes will understand. They are lowlife, uneducated lying cocksuckers. They have earned and deserve the greatest kind of insult.
I'm using language that these assholes will understand. They are lowlife, uneducated lying cocksuckers. They have earned and deserve the greatest kind of insult.

Use the proper insults that won't belittle those you don't want to. Many of them you posted are just demented and self-important dipshits.
Self important dipshits doesn't cut it. They don't rise to that level.

Well, the terms you use often insult others more than them. You're using terms of hate not smack talk. F-g and c--t are in the same league as the n word. Words of hate used to demean and oppress certain groups.
Well, the terms you use often insult others more than them. You're using terms of hate not smack talk. F-g and c--t are in the same league as the n word. Words of hate used to demean and oppress certain groups.

Constant liars should be demeaned. Especially when they are continually provided the truth.