SR_ said:
i tell you what mbl and damo. Youre just as slimy as grind and brent. There was a reason I posted those u2u's. Any message board has to have some confidence in the admin of the site to enforce it policies and maintain some sort of direction for the site. Some admins just want to create cookie cutter message boards and leave it be (like this one). Thats fine, but thats not what i wanted to do. I put a lot of time, effort, and money into I offered it to all of you for free. I erased the porn, and erased the personal information whenever i was asked too. I was asked to do something about the troll problem and I did. I made sure the performance of the site was good and that there was no adware or spyware.
And i decided to offer more options to you, and I posted those and everyone was gung ho. Unfortunately some of my members felt like they would be missing something if they didnt try to create the board to their own liking. mind you, its my money thats paying for everything, but regardless they felt it was up to them to induce change.
They failed. You'd think that would have been the end to it. It wasnt my ego that led them to accuse me of wrong doing. That had real implications to damaging the board. The accusation that I had read people's u2u's. It was unsubstantiated and uncalled for, and was done by people with low self esteem who felt the need to "bring me down". When this happened I missed your holy than thou position of what they did. I still havent seen anything regarding it. I havent from Damo either. instead, like a coward you sided with them after i took the only course of action I felt i could to defend myself. After over a year of nothing but time and energy and money, and operating that board for you and Damo and everyone else for free, not one of you scumbags stood up and said anything. Its like the principle who gets accused of spying on the girls in the bathroom. Its an attack on the ethics and integrity of the whole operation. Im sorry for posting the u2u's as it would make members think that i might do that again, im not sorry to either grind, or dixie, or tiana, or brent for posting their lies and demonstrating their malicious intent. You may not have thought ruining the council was malicious, but surely you can see from reading the threads that attacking me was personal, and it was in defense of their lies to make themselves feel better. And yet you still say nothing.
And then Damo creates this place and proceeds to copy the very ideas I am implementing over there, ideas i proposed to all of you and you all desired. While he continues to sit idely by while people do things at that he wouldnt tolerate over here, BUT welcomes those who come here BECAUSE their behavior wasnt tolerated at the site that every single one of his members comes from. Just another example of slimey behavior.
You think this stuff has to do with ego, thats only your ignorance talking, I do these things because I want to create something, something that has a use, and something that maybe I can use to recoup my cost and something all of you can enjoy. Recoup the cost of providing those solutions to your and Damo's, and grinds, and dixies, and tiana's sorry ass's for so long for free.
Just the other nite for the first time, a member used the knowledge of someone elses personal information to research on him, and intimidate him, and i banned him for a weak. He was wrong to do that. If you werent such a scumbag you would at least acknowledge that, and when another member came over here because he didnt like that decision all of you assholes welcome him with open arms and bash me for doing the right thing. I missed all of Damo's posts about how he would do the same thing, that such behavior would have no different a consequence over here than it does there. But again youre all silent. You think Im on the banning band wagon for taking action that needed to be taken.
Just a collection of slimeballs, and its pitiful. You know whether or not i agreed or disagreed with any of you on any political issue, nothing affected your ability to take advantage of the product I was offering for free, none of my decisions or policies was based on any personal affiliation. You know this, damo knows this, all of you know this, and your scumbag behavior or your snipes at me dont change this in anyway. thats whats so dissappointing. It didnt matter to me that grind was an asshole, I offered him the chance to do his grind points as a feature on that board. And I got attacked for being unethical in return. It didnt matter to me how stupid any of you were, I still wanted all of you to enjoy features at one place that you wouldnt find anywhere.
Is it my ego that has a problem? You dont see me posting "bash mbl or Damo" threads over at do you? You dont see me enticing members to avoid this board do you?
You scumbags are something else.
SR, I can tell by your words that you are hurt by some of the things that are happening here at this board. I can also tell, correct me if I am wrong, that you have been drinking. Nothing wrong with that, I do it often myself.
For you to call us slimy scumbags is very telling as well. First off, this is Damo's board, and I am merely helping him out a little bit on the non technical end of things. It is his board, not ours, but I feel greatful that he has given me the opportunity to be a part of its function. That being said...
SR, I have an many, many occasions given you appreciation and gratitude for the time, effort and money that you put into your board. I have always appreciated that you provided that service free of charge. You built a great board, and I really don't think its going to fail. You and I have shared many great threads, discussions and such, but is seems our differences are what is causing the rift here. Lets be real, and forget about that jive for a moment; lets look at what has happened and what is happening.
History: is where most of this community came together. Howard Baer was a very inept admin, and he let a great site with a great domain go to shit. It was a nightmare using his site, and you saw an opportunity. You created, and I was the very first member to join. In no time at all, virtually every member from joined your site, and you did a bang-up job. You listened to people, you adjusted your site, you made it a very fucking cool site with a great, loyal community. You did a good job.
Then, you started to get a little bit cocky about your site, and I was right there with you. We had a good old time digging on and yucking it up at the mistakes that bdw was making. Remember that? It was obvious as to why his site wasn't going anywhere, and we knew that, and laughed at it. Not too long after that, dlescook posted some porn, people got pissed off and that issue had to be addressed. Then the Dixie thing happened after a while with the big fonts and that had to be addressed.
You first u2u'd me and several members about a year ago about this security council thing, and I jumped aboard. You talked about shoppolitics and other things and it was all good and kosher.
Then you started the changes to your board, which you will recall that I loved, and was all in favor of. You got the ball rolling on the security council and the debate was moving right along. There were some of us, like ma and Damo, that loved the idea and were embracing it, and others like Grind and Dix that didn't like it and wanted to work within the rules the render it impotent. This is where it got ugly.
Nobody broke any rules, you felt threatened, and you crossed a very important line when you posted other people's u2u's. That, SR, whether you like it or not, said to many of your most prolific posters, that nothing is sacred, and that your board was not what you wanted us to believe it was. That's the bottom line.
SR, I don't consider you to be an enemy of mine, I once considered you a friend, and I still would if you reciprocated. But I must tell you, that you are making some serious blunders. The biggest of which is your unwillingness to take what is happening, and what will continue to happen, at face value.