I'm miserable

I'm miserable. Absolutely miserable. Someone plea setalk me out of jumping off of my 1-story house. I see no point in continuing on.


If you jump off your one-storey house you will break your ankle and be the butt of jokes from the paramedics who come to fix you up. Rent "The Bridge" to cheer yourself up. :cool:
Life is all about changes. While that may sound trite, it is the absolute truth.

At least hang around to see whats next.
Yep WM hang around and watch how the right wing goes farther in the nutso direction over the next few months.
if you jump off a one story room (about 10-12feet) when you land just roll forward to absorb the force and its easy to not get injured. I do it all the time off my front porch roof when i am power washing, putting up lights, or running from bees.
if you jump off a one story room (about 10-12feet) when you land just roll forward to absorb the force and its easy to not get injured. I do it all the time off my front porch roof when i am power washing, putting up lights, or running from bees.
Why would you run from bees?
It is unlikely a random passing bee is going to sting you.

well they tend to get pissed when you power spray there nest thats hidden behind a shutter. LOL one time I was cutting down some branches around the perimeter of my lawn and i didnt see a huge yogi bear type bees nest.. that thing hit the ground and a swarm of bees came out. i dropped chainsaw and ran as fast as i could.

I turned around and it was like a cartoon. was a giant swarm chasing after me. ended up getting stung like 5 times but could have been way worse.
It is unlikely a random passing bee is going to sting you.

Umm I am assuming wasps. they get agitated if you get too close to their nests. Mean little bassids.
Bumble bees are really mean if you disturb their nests. and I don't even want to think about the last time i ran over a yellow jacket nest with the tractor.
I'm miserable. Absolutely miserable. Someone plea setalk me out of jumping off of my 1-story house. I see no point in continuing on.


I feel taunted Watermark.

Are you messin with the Desh or do you really want me to go into full Mom on a mission mode.