I'm miserable

if you jump off a one story room (about 10-12feet) when you land just roll forward to absorb the force and its easy to not get injured. I do it all the time off my front porch roof when i am power washing, putting up lights, or running from bees.

I've been up there fixing the roof and such before. Jumping off is our preferred method of getting down. Probably not to good for the back.
I was ridiculously depressed last night.

I was wondering.

Be sure you are not spending too much time couped up indoors.

We all get down sometimes and need to learn how to deal with it. Dont ever hesitate to get some help if you begin to feel overwhelmed by the feelings.

Depression is a completely treatable condition and far to many people chose a permenent solution to this temporary problem.

If you ever want the full Mom on a mission mode dont hesitate to PM me.
What's the point of this thread? I mean, isn't Watermark always depressed. He lives in Mississsippi, is a college student, and is always misunderstood... :shots: