APP - I'm now anti-death penalty

I've always been in the pro death penalty camp but must admit after hearing arguments on this board I've started to rethink my position. I haven't switched over yet but I've definitely thought a lot more about the issue.
I've always been in the pro death penalty camp but must admit after hearing arguments on this board I've started to rethink my position. I haven't switched over yet but I've definitely thought a lot more about the issue.

I'm in favour of the death penalty for Wall Street bankers.
OK, I have changed my mind on support for the death penalty.
this did it.

When prosecutors face no penalties for wrongfully convicting, we can not have confidence in their findings.

Count me in the anti-death penalty camp from now on. Government without accountability is tyranny

so instead of demanding accountability for a corrupt prosecutor, you just want to take away a channel of justice? you're no more against tyranny than Bush or Obama is.
OK, I have changed my mind on support for the death penalty.
this did it.

When prosecutors face no penalties for wrongfully convicting, we can not have confidence in their findings.

Count me in the anti-death penalty camp from now on. Government without accountability is tyranny

because of the 'no cruel and unusual punishment clause' the death penalty is not as much fun as it used to be so I go with incarceration in a maximum security prison until the criminal is unable to perform the act that got them the penalty and then kick them out onto the street - besides, the death penalty is too expensive these days

also, holding prosecutors accountable sounds like a good thing
OK, I have changed my mind on support for the death penalty.
this did it.

When prosecutors face no penalties for wrongfully convicting, we can not have confidence in their findings.

Count me in the anti-death penalty camp from now on. Government without accountability is tyranny
I have no doubt that prosecutors have purposefully conspired to convict and successfully have execute innocent people with no other motivation then to advance their careers. In addition you have an inequitable systems in which those with economic means get prison terms or are not convicted while those who don't are executed for no other reason then they lack the resources, that are available to the State, to provide an adequate defense. For those reasons I oppose the death penalty.

Keep in mind that to many studies have shown that the death penalty fails to act as a deterrent.

Not that I'm overly sympathetic for murderers. The over whelming majority who are executed deserve what they got.
I am not sympathetic of murderers at all. The guy that was convicted of the home invasion and murder of the two little girls (by burning them to death) and their mother deserves no sympathy. However, the story of Keezer puts not to fine a point on what is wrong with our system and why killing people convicted of heinous crimes is not justice. People want swifter sentences with less appeals. Keezer is fortunate in one aspect because he was not sentenced to death. Even more fortunate in that those not sentenced to death get less attention because people wrongly convicted and sentenced to die take more resources. If sentences were carried out in a swifter manner many of the 140 convicted and sentenced to death only to later be found innocent would be dead and NO ONE would take the time to prove they were wrongly convicted. 16 years behind bars for a crime you did not commit is hard to ever overcome. You become institutionalized. You get abused by other inmates. You have to abandon your own humanity and act like the men you are imprisoned with. How much is 16years of your life worth to you? I believe that every state should have a criminal statute that subjects prosecutors to the same amount of time their victims served. This might deter prosecutors from hiding evidence and relying on jail house informants. Only a prosecutor can talk out of both sides of his mouth claiming at one that felons cannot be trusted to tell the truth AND that juries should believe them when they say they "heard" the defendant confess. Almost every time those jailhouse informants are promised a lesser sentence or early parole. But they wouldn't lie for that. RIght?
Anyone who thinks that another human deserves to die is, by definition, evil, and I will gladly remove evil inhuman monsters like Mott from the earth.