APP - I'm now anti-death penalty

Yea actually it should. If In cold blood I called you up to meet you someplace, brought a gun and shot you in the leg, you bled to death and I voted for W, I should be punished far more harshly then if I fucked up, voted for Obama, got buck fever, and accidently shot you hunting because I mistook you for an armadillo.

I'm pretty sure Captain meant intentionally shooting someone in the leg but not having the intention that they die.
intent is very important in terms of mens rea

intent is actually an element of many modern codified laws and in homicide (murder) it is wholly relevant in terms of degree of murder you can be convicted of.

if you shot someone in the leg thinking you would only wound them, should you be charged with first degree or should you be charged with second or manslaughter?

I was always taught:
You don't carry a gun, unless your prepared to use it.
You don't pull a gun, unless you're prepared to shoot it.
You don't point a gun at anything, you're not prepared to remove from this earth.

I can't speak for other states; but AZ law says that it is against the law to shoot someone, with the intent to wound or maim.
Ergo: you better shoot to kill.