Im offerring thread ban amnesty as my christmas gift to JPP - apply within

I am willing to let the usual suspects that I usually ban from my threads have the opportunity to participate in my threads again.

Don't say you don't want to, I have seen enough of you complain and be butthurt about not taking part.

I don't mind people disagreeing or debating. I let lots of awesome liberals in my threads who while I think are huge idiots, i knwo they are generally nice people and are willing to chill the fuck out and just debate politics without getting full douche level

basically don't show up in my threads trying to troll my shit or just respond with insults. now don't get me wrong, I insult people too. I'm not talking the random "dumbass" or w/e, but more so a type of vindictive assholery in pursuit of nothing else but being a razor blade in ones urethra.

I don't waste my time with that shit. I cherish the moments in my day, and I like being chill and level. Time wasters just get punted the fuck to siberia. You aren't in my universe. You are nothing.

Watermark is a communist dipshit.... but he's my bro. I can be bros with people that have idiot views. You can have fucking dumb ideas and still be chill with me. I extend my good will to EVERYONE.

will you accept?

p.s. I wrote this while high


desh is a hopeless lost cause and this doesn't apply to her. I have made every effort to be nice to her, but she is a lost fucking cause and I'm not going to waste my time on her. She would have to take the initiative on fixing that and as I said, lost cause.

evince banned even from my "i'll unban you thread"
This is a very magnanimous offer. Actually allowing other Posters to participate in one of your famous (or infamous, depending on who is referencing it) threads. Will there be a Topic? Not that it matters, I guess. I was just wondering if I wanted to participate or not.
I am willing to let the usual suspects that I usually ban from my threads have the opportunity to participate in my threads again.

Don't say you don't want to, I have seen enough of you complain and be butthurt about not taking part.

I don't mind people disagreeing or debating. I let lots of awesome liberals in my threads who while I think are huge idiots, i knwo they are generally nice people and are willing to chill the fuck out and just debate politics without getting full douche level

basically don't show up in my threads trying to troll my shit or just respond with insults. now don't get me wrong, I insult people too. I'm not talking the random "dumbass" or w/e, but more so a type of vindictive assholery in pursuit of nothing else but being a razor blade in ones urethra.

I don't waste my time with that shit. I cherish the moments in my day, and I like being chill and level. Time wasters just get punted the fuck to siberia. You aren't in my universe. You are nothing.

Watermark is a communist dipshit.... but he's my bro. I can be bros with people that have idiot views. You can have fucking dumb ideas and still be chill with me. I extend my good will to EVERYONE.

will you accept?

p.s. I wrote this while high


desh is a hopeless lost cause and this doesn't apply to her. I have made every effort to be nice to her, but she is a lost fucking cause and I'm not going to waste my time on her. She would have to take the initiative on fixing that and as I said, lost cause.

evince banned even from my "i'll unban you thread"

As I was reading this I was thinking "yeah, but what about the crack head desh", then I saw that you still have sanity and wrote the second post script.
Damn, I hate getting shitty, useless Christmas gifts.

would you like to be unbanned from my threads? you are one of the usual suspects. It's ok, you don't have to pretend anymore that you don't adore me. You can join the cool kids. I am inviting you to the cool kids table. Come to my threads, debate, just don't be a collasal asshole. Am I really asking all that much? I am sure you are a nice person away from JPP. so lets be human to each other again.

Don't say I've never tried.
I've seen GoMad try to debate intelligently, and all that did was prove how unintelligent he is. He's much better at being an extra large asshole.

would you like to be unbanned from my threads? you are one of the usual suspects. It's ok, you don't have to pretend anymore that you don't adore me. You can join the cool kids. I am inviting you to the cool kids table. Come to my threads, debate, just don't be a collasal asshole. Am I really asking all that much? I am sure you are a nice person away from JPP. so lets be human to each other again.

Don't say I've never tried.

The tone of my responses to posts are merely a reflection of the posts I'm responding to.

Hence, I don't know why you're so scared of me.
im not. I am just trying to achieve maximum chill.

what if we became best friends, what would that do to JPP?

Like Mr. T and Chuck Norris, that much cool in one place would cause Universe Collapse and we'd start all over with a new Big Bang. Either that or we'd all just laugh until we pooped just a little in our tighty whiteys...
I would like to post in more forums than just the Off Topic (like Conspiracies, Hobbies, Religion, and the War Zone). Can this be done?
This is why Grind shouldn’t do drugs. He loses his common sense for brief moments.

Asking assholes he thread bans not to be assholes is like asking a rattle snake not to bit