Nosam nov Nosam
running Hilliary instead of Obama suppressed the black vote........
Obama couldn't run three times.
running Hilliary instead of Obama suppressed the black vote........
and he was the only black demmycrat who was articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guyObama couldn't run three times.
I'm a progressive Democrat and I want progressives to take over the Democratic Party. But.
The real issues for our country right now are the plutocrats taking over the country.
And they do that by finding issues they can pander to and get votes.
You hate gays? OK. You a sucker who will vote for someone who says your gun rights are under threat? OK. You a sucker for jingoistic patriotism and flag-waving? OK. Religious right pandering? OK. Etc.
What we have is tens of millions of people who vote Republicans over secondary issues - gay, guns, religion, thinking Democrats are communists, and many other such things. They don't understand that what they're actually voting for are plutocrats who are pandering to them to get those votes.
So what Democrats need to do is to worry about plutocracy, and give people Democratic candidates on ANY OTHER ISSUE THEY WANT. So if voters are going to vote for a pro-gun gay-hating candidate no matter what anyway, give them a pro-gun gay-hating Democrat WHO IS ON THE RIGHT SIDE AGAINST PLUTOCRACY.
That's not the Democrat I want. But it's the Democrat we need instead of a Republican.
Republicans are destroying the country. We have squeezed the American people not only of their money but over $20 trillion more in debt to hand it all to the wealthy by undertaxing them. They are implementing election cheating, and appointing a radical takeover of the judiciary to destroy the constitution. The only way I'm seeing to beat that is to create more diverse Democrats.
One problem is, most Democrats don't understand this. They look at the type of Democrat who might win in a red state, and say hell no, that person is a jerk and has wrong positions. And so the Republican wins, over and over and over.
Obviously most Republicans do not understand this issue and think they're voting for whatever nonsense the campaigns feed them. We need the people to unite more - and to elect people who are actually against the 'swamp' instead of con men who are the swamp but say they're against it like donald stain.
With all due respect, I completely disagree. If all that matters is winning by any means necessary, count me out .. as I'm sure a great many others will want out.
Those conservative, right-wing, gun-loving, racist democrats aren't going to support progressive issues, and in fact will join with their republican counterparts to further undermine those progressive issues .. including the plutocrats.
Progressive growth and power does not come from right-wing conservatives and it never will.
Gee...I thought you had a much better understanding of how the electoral college worksPerhaps this is why she lost, but you want to blame it on Blacks......................*sigh*
True. Sanders would have blown trump away, and taken back the SenateSHE DID NOT LOSE
the people were cheated out of their real choice
How so? I'm not sure NY votes can be applied anywhere but NY. If you know something that I don't, then by all means....share.You are right. She didn't lose. I mistake spoke. I should say he's the reason why she needed 77,00 more votes. Had he and those who think like him had voted for her she would have made up the difference.
But instead, they blame the Black voters who did come out and overwhelmingly voted for Clinton.
They also want to tell the dems what to do when they didn't even vote for the dem ticket. No disrespect, but they don't have a leg to stand on for what the dems should be doing.
And therein lies the problem. Clinton erroneously thought that she had we Independents, when in essence...she didn't.there are phoney dems aplenty on line
its just another tactic to confuse people
trust no one on the internets until you have seen them speak out on ALL issues.
some are here to gain your trust so they can twist it later
How so? I'm not sure NY votes can be applied anywhere but NY. If you know something that I don't, then by all means....share.
And therein lies the problem. Clinton erroneously thought that she had we Independents, when in essence...she didn't.
You see, it isn't Dems or Reps that decide the elections. It's the Indies. So you can talk about 'fake Dems' until the cows come home, but Clinton simply didn't inspire those who decide the elections to vote. I have the luxury of not voting for POTUS. My state is true Blue, and always will be.
Gee...I thought you had a much better understanding of how the electoral college works
What I'm calling for is strengthening the national Democratic Party - helping it to get a majority for its better platform - and to fight the most important issue in modern history, plutocracy, which threatens democracy.
If they support plutocracy - whether they're social conservatives or social liberals or anything else - oppose them.
The EC works in favor for the racist right.
That's second priority to fighting for the right things to me.
It's hard to say exactly because she was pretty squishy, but she clearly rejected many of Bernie's stronger positions I agreed with. Her foreign policy was a lot more hawkish than I'd like, both in her views and her history. A lot of Obama baggage, she'd bring with her - too much coziness from Henry Kissinger to Goldman Sachs; Obama's failure to prosecute a single important banking figure (even Republicans put a thousand bankers in jail for the smaller Reagan S&L scandal) would continue, etc.
I'm talking about the independents who would not for vote Obama or Hillary, but would for Bernie. Bernie was getting twice as many independent voters as Hillary.
It is a good idea, and it doesn't prevent trade, and I assume trade schools that are public would get free tuition also. Regardless it's a good idea.
Gay marriage wasn't going to get through for decades, but it was a good idea to fight for it. We need single-payer and should be fighting for it. Bernie was, Hillary wasn't. Bernie would not have supported the Republican cuts to the ACA to begin with.
And therein lies the problem. Clinton erroneously thought that she had we Independents, when in essence...she didn't.
You see, it isn't Dems or Reps that decide the elections. It's the Indies. So you can talk about 'fake Dems' until the cows come home, but Clinton simply didn't inspire those who decide the elections to vote. I have the luxury of not voting for POTUS. My state is true Blue, and always will be.
As a Bernie supporter, I have to agree with you re votes. He rallied and got voters more exited than Hillary could ever dream of. Even if we assume that Hillary's platform was less squishy (I like that), she failed to enthuse independents.
We have seen threats to our democracy very recently, where appointed, not elected, jurists, negate the will of the people for partisan's sake. Perhaps you could weigh in on that? Please know that I am not naming conservatives or liberals on purpose.