Can you find one you like?
i wouldn't even know what to google
Can you find one you like?
WASHINGTON, March 13, 2003 ( - The Census Bureau released a Census 2000 report on married- and unmarried-couple households today. The 16-page report, Married-Couple and Unmarried-Partner Households: 2000, indicates that homosexual couples account for only 1 percent of all couples - married and non-married. Of the 60 million households headed by couples, 0.6 million were headed by same-sex partners.
It's a poll just like any other, and compares gay copules living together with heterosexual couples living together. It therefore removes all of the problems associated with the usual gay polls, such as the one held here recently, where several responders lied. The census data also relies on several hundred thousand responders, instead of the usual 100 or so, making it the most accurate poll of the homosexual population ever done.Of course, gays that own a house together in a relationship make up all of the entire gay/bisexual community.
In a scientific poll the greater the sample number correlates with its accuracy. The US Census is a scientific poll.Gays are FAR less likely to be couples and ESPECIALLY to live together.
And the numbers in a poll don't matter. They used to run polls that had millions of respondents that were wildly innacurate. Then they came up with scientific polls that involve one or two thousand people, and those worked a hell of a lot better.
I was wondering when someone would ask that. What is your next question?SM, what is your constant obsession with g ays?
Of course you think that; you are an assumer. I am a conservative, therefore closed-minded, racist, sexist and homophobic. Right?Well, I think I have my answer.
What consenting adults do, I agree. The doors should remain closed.Whatever dude.
Don't let me stop you from 'fishing' the site. what adults do behind closed doors is none of my business.
I can lay out the bait, can't I?Wow, hijacked.
Of course you think that; you are an assumer. I am a conservative, therefore closed-minded, racist, sexist and homophobic. Right?
Ding ding ding! LadyT Scores!