I'm not a11n. I've never made a liberal troll, but it seems like a good time to.
I dunno. I had a really hard time imagining there was no god either. I was raised in an extremely evangelical fashion and I usually responded with shock whenever someone said something about there being no God.
I've tried turned back to Christianity like twice since that moment whenever I said to myself "I don't really think God exists", but it never felt real anymore. Honestly, whenever I thought that, I pretended like I hadn't come to the realization, because I felt like God would punish me and send me to hell for thinking it.
Forget the fire & brimstone crap that you were raised on. I've never really been able to relate to Christianity that way, or truly feel afraid of it (possibly because its not emphasized at Church, and because I believe in purgatory). I usually just look around and realize how many vastly more depraved and evil people have walked the earth, and so the fear is never really there.
I have often said that, although I can see myself totally failing at everything in life, I'm at least comfortable with my faith. Perhaps if you were more focused on far more relevant things like sacraments, charitable causes, scripture, Church activities, etc. you would find more meaning instead of all this neopuritan garbage.
That is, you might want to consider Catholicism. Today, for example, I had a visiting priest who was raised Southern Baptist. He compared West Virginia in 1957 to Saudi Arabia where the attitude is that once you get outside to Bahrain, the burka comes off, the snazzy getup comes one, and you can drink and smoke. His father did this taking Master's courses on the weekend in Ann Arbor. MI (WV had been a dry state and good SB's didn't drink, smoke, play cards, or have fun). He also met the Catholics there... He converted, and his son became an Air Force chaplain, and is now a missionary that used to operate in SE Asia.