Immigrants Are Not Bringing Crime Into The USA. They Are Coming Here To Escape It.

Hello Yoda,

You presume wrong, I suggest you read this article, I could provide many more. There are certain topics that americans NEVER get the truth about and crime and crime statistics of any kind are near top of the list.

The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

I continued reading the opinion piece you linked.

The writer tries to tell us what we should think:

"As Americans, we should only care about three things: (1) are the immigrants in the U.S. illegally; (2) have they committed violent crimes predominantly against U.S. citizens; and (3) had these criminals not been in our country illegally, these crimes, the victimization of our citizens and the costs of their crimes borne by American taxpayers could have been completely avoided."

Pardon me but I will make up my own mind what to think. And I like to base that on facts rather than opinion. The writer appears to be on a mission to get us to be very afraid that there is some big problem with violent crime. But the writer has a problem with that. The writer doesn't mention it, but I already know that violent crime has been in decline in recent years.

"Research conducted by the federal government oversight organization Judicial Watch in 2014 documents that..."

Wait a moment. What is this organization called "Judicial Watch?" I stopped to look that up in Wikipedia:

"Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group[1] and self-styled watchdog group[2][3] that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate claimed misconduct by government officials.

Founded in 1994, JW has primarily targeted Democrats, in particular the Clinton administration, the Obama administration, and Hillary Clinton, although it has sued Republicans as well including the administration of George W. Bush. It has also filed lawsuits against government climate scientists; Judicial Watch has described climate science as "fraud science". The group has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, which have been picked up by right-wing news outlets. The vast majority of its lawsuits have been dismissed.[1]"

OK, got it. Now I understand where this is coming from.

"Research conducted by the federal government oversight organization Judicial Watch in 2014 documents that 50 percent of all federal crimes were committed near our border with Mexico. "

Wait a minute. I thought the writer was talking about violent crimes? Now he is referring to statistics on all crimes. That's misleading.... Violent crimes and all crimes are two different things.

"According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders. "

Why do we only get information from these years? That's strange. I thought the writer was going to fill us in on 'the facts.' It seems to be the facts would include data from all years, not a specifically cherry-picked narrow range. The way we only get facts from a few years makes me wonder if we are really getting the whole story or simply whatever made the opinion piece writer's case appear more convincing.

The opinion piece concludes:

"So the next time you hear some Open Borders politician or pro illegal immigrant surrogates advocate on their behalf, ask yourself why we as American citizens need to bear the increasing costs of violence, victimization and burdensome taxes in subsidizing illegal immigrant criminals who shouldn’t be in our country in the first place."

But wait a minute. Nowhere in the opinion piece is it shown that these costs are on the increase!

And, pardon me, but just who are these 'Open Borders politicians' in the first place. I am not aware of ANY politician advocating for open borders. That just sounds like more made-up 'alternate facts' baloney he is putting into the mouths of some 'straw men' imaginary individuals from 'the left.' Nobody has been advocating for open borders. This guy is strongly in opposition to people with opinions which simply don't exist. Imaginary boogie men from 'the left.' Perhaps he should spend more time listening to what different people on the left are actually saying instead of making it up and stuffing it in their mouths.
You should make up your own mind and I certainly didnt say you shouldnt, I think you missed the point

Everything in the article is fact, and this is my opinion the democrats like illegal votes more than they like americans
Illegal immigration is a scourge on this country, we cant afford them, every statistic by mainstream media is a lie.
You call the hill an opinion piece, there are facts in that article that are indisputable, worse than an opinion is outright LIES and thats what the mainstream media offers us.

If you were a detective than you know the cost of incarceration, just the healthcare alone if one inmate gets sick can be in the millions.

Why should american citizens be subjected to more major crimes because democrats want votes. Why should american taxpayers pay for health care and education two HUGE costs by themselves without all other costs from illegal immigration bear that burden so democrats can have illegal votes.

Absolutely no argument no opinion justifies the rape of our border and the cost to all americans
Hello Yoda,

You should make up your own mind and I certainly didnt say you shouldnt, I think you missed the point

Everything in the article is fact, and this is my opinion the democrats like illegal votes more than they like americans

"Everything in the article is fact" - Not True. The very first sentence is incorrect:

"There has been much rhetoric from the left and the open-borders, pro-illegal immigration lobby suggesting that illegal immigrants pose no threat to the safety and security of this nation and commit less crimes than their American Citizen and legal immigrant counterparts."

Despite being grammatically incorrect, the statement is factually incorrect. An 'open borders lobby' does not even exist. Who is lobbying for open borders? What group? None. There is no such group.

Conversely, where is this 'pro-illegal immigration lobby?' That is another manufactured foe. Doesn't even exist! Please reference any such group, if you believe it exists.

Also, what group is claiming that illegal immigrants 'pose no threat?'

The actual claim is that they pose no more threat than fellow American citizens.

I would advise against placing faith in writers who create their own 'alternate facts' and whom make flat out false statements based on non-facts.

Also, don't believe that there have been illegal votes. That is rhetoric unsupported by any fact. It is just another something President Trump said which has never been proven. What happened to the President's commission to uncover all the illegal votes? Hunh? NOTHING. It was disbanded. They didn't find anything. Don't believe it. Your opinion is incorrect.
Hello Yoda,

Illegal immigration is a scourge on this country, we cant afford them, every statistic by mainstream media is a lie.

Immigration is what built this country. 'Illegal immigrants' are coming here to try to build a better life, just like immigrants have done throughout history. There is no valid reason to believe otherwise.

You call the hill an opinion piece,

I call it exactly what it is. The Hill calls it that. That is why it is appropriately labelled: "By Ron Martinelli, opinion contributor - 04/19/17 07:00 PM EDT"

there are facts in that article that are indisputable, worse than an opinion is outright LIES and thats what the mainstream media offers us.

The mainstream media is far more vetted and reliable than Trump supporters understand.

If you were a detective than you know the cost of incarceration, just the healthcare alone if one inmate gets sick can be in the millions.

Why should american citizens be subjected to more major crimes because democrats want votes.

They are not.

Why should american taxpayers pay for health care and education two HUGE costs by themselves without all other costs from illegal immigration bear that burden so democrats can have illegal votes.

You have not shown that there are illegal votes. You can't. There are not.

Absolutely no argument no opinion justifies the rape of our border and the cost to all americans

"The truth is that undocumented immigrants contribute more in payroll taxes than they will ever consume in public benefits."

Also consider that they are working for American employers who are making big money from their work. Those American employers are then paying higher taxes because they are richer. Also, immigrants are buying things and generating / contributing to GDP and thus even more revenue for the US government.

Without 'illegal immigrants' our GDP WOULD BE SMALLER.

Now THAT is fact.

Like it or not it is a fact.

Immigrants contribute to our GDP, they pay taxes, and they use fewer government programs than Americans do. They pay into Social Security, but they never collect benefits. They also are ineligible to collect unemployment insurance benefits.

5 Immigration Myths Debunked
Hello Yoda,

Immigration is what built this country. 'Illegal immigrants' are coming here to try to build a better life, just like immigrants have done throughout history. There is no valid reason to believe otherwise.

I call it exactly what it is. The Hill calls it that. That is why it is appropriately labelled: "By Ron Martinelli, opinion contributor - 04/19/17 07:00 PM EDT"

The mainstream media is far more vetted and reliable than Trump supporters understand.

They are not.

You have not shown that there are illegal votes. You can't. There are not.

"The truth is that undocumented immigrants contribute more in payroll taxes than they will ever consume in public benefits."

Also consider that they are working for American employers who are making big money from their work. Those American employers are then paying higher taxes because they are richer. Also, immigrants are buying things and generating / contributing to GDP and thus even more revenue for the US government.

Without 'illegal immigrants' our GDP WOULD BE SMALLER.

Now THAT is fact.

Like it or not it is a fact.

Immigrants contribute to our GDP, they pay taxes, and they use fewer government programs than Americans do. They pay into Social Security, but they never collect benefits. They also are ineligible to collect unemployment insurance benefits.

5 Immigration Myths Debunked

LEGAL immigration built this country, there was no hit 1 for Italian, Polish, German, there was no medicaid, no welfare, no obamacare, No teaching class's in any other language but English, they went to class' to learn to be citizens. EVERYONE survived and assimilated into AMERICA.

Not my responsibility or any other americans to give "ILLEGAL ALIENS" who break our laws to get here a better life, were the left fails religiously is that america has untold numbers of homeless but the left puts illegals ahead of our own for VOTES. Why is there not sanctuary cities and states for our Homeless many of whom FOUGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY.

There have been illegal voter registration rings busted in 4 states, the biggest of which was in texas where 4 hispanic and 1 democrat politician were busted and indicted. Dont try to bullshit me, there have been illegals caught voting n many states.

The liberal press lies they have constant omissions, apologies and lawsuits, facts disprove everything youve said here.

Incarceration you conveniently skipped that, Immigrants are 22 percent of federal prison population, thats not counting state and county ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT criminals.

This site lists what it costs Per student, per state for public education. Each ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT KID costs us the same or MORE to educate. WE american taxpayers pay for that.

Now lets go to what it costs for healthcare for every person who sneaks runs, crawls, rides over our border.

Just child births cost us millions up millions

Giving birth doesn't come cheap. From prenatal care and epidurals to pre-term deliveries and hospital stays, here's the bottom line on hospital births. These costs are without any COMPLICATIONS

Now lets get into the cost of surgeries and other incredibly expensives forms of healthcare, lets add prescription drugs.

Politalker than you for being a gentlemen but you just cant bullshit me with CNN talking points, you know the truth as well as I do. The left wants to dilute the country to take the white majority, they want to flood the country with illegal aliens and then ALLOW THEM TO VOTE as non citizens to gain power. ITS NOT A SECRET anymore.

Democrats want 16 yr olds to vote and then allow illegal aliens to vote.

This is our country not anyone elses, and every other country that allowed mass migration is having nothing but nightmares. Germany , France, Sweden, Italy, Spain, they are no reversing the insanity their liberal politicians allowed.

Im too informed for liberal political forum made up facts
The large number of individuals in federal prisons for immigration violations does not necessarily serve as a corollary for criminality. As Figure 5 demonstrates, immigration violations were the most serious offense for 8.9 percent of all prisoners under federal correctional authority in 2014, 8 percent in 2015, and 7.7 percent in 2016. While it is possible that these individuals could have committed other crimes, it is unlikely that their immigration violations—including offenses such as illegal entry or reentry that were prosecuted as crimes—would supersede more serious criminal charges such as violent or drug crimes.
Hello Phantasmal,

The large number of individuals in federal prisons for immigration violations does not necessarily serve as a corollary for criminality. As Figure 5 demonstrates, immigration violations were the most serious offense for 8.9 percent of all prisoners under federal correctional authority in 2014, 8 percent in 2015, and 7.7 percent in 2016. While it is possible that these individuals could have committed other crimes, it is unlikely that their immigration violations—including offenses such as illegal entry or reentry that were prosecuted as crimes—would supersede more serious criminal charges such as violent or drug crimes.

Guilty of migration with only the clothes on their back.

This. This is who they are:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."