Immigration Polls


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I usually could care less about polls but I saw both of these today and they seemed so disparate that it caught my attention. If nothing else it shows how pollsters ask questions can really influence answers.

From the front page of the L.A. Times today:

Large majority supports path to citizenship
A poll finds 63% of all respondents, and 65% of Republicans, back the controversial measure.
By Janet Hook, Times Staff Writer
June 13, 2007

WASHINGTON — A strong majority of Americans — including nearly two-thirds of Republicans — favor allowing illegal immigrants to become citizens if they pay fines, learn English and meet other requirements, a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found.,1,7264500.story?coll=la-headlines-nation

And then this from Rasmussen:

Poll: Voters Want Smaller Steps to Immigration Reform With Focus on Enforcement

Just 20% of American voters want Congress to try and pass the immigration reform bill that failed in the Senate last week. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 51% would like their legislators to “take smaller steps towards reform” while 16% believe they should wait until next year. The survey was conducted on Monday and Tuesday night as the President was publicly attempting to rally support for the legislation.
Yes, smaller steps. First control the border, then produce the path to citizenship. Duh. It's what we've been saying for YEARS.
There is a bit of a difference between a Republican saying "Control The Border", and an adult saying "Control The Border".

The adult tries to find ways to pay for it, and the Republican asserts that some mystical force will do something that leads to such an occurrence.
There is a bit of a difference between a Republican saying "Control The Border", and an adult saying "Control The Border".

The adult tries to find ways to pay for it, and the Republican asserts that some mystical force will do something that leads to such an occurrence.
Or they are willing to pay for it. There is a huge disconnect between saying "War on Terror" and ignoring the border that is amazingly daft. It's not like I'm saying deport them all or anything of the sort, just give me some real plan to stop the flow of unknown people into the nation from the borders, show that it is working to a reasonable extent and I'd be happy to take that bill that was recently killed. I'll back it right up to a nice signature.
Naah the repubs won't pay for it they get tax cuts remember, they expect the working class to pay for it.
And of course it would be a supplemental spending bill so it would not show up in Bush's budget statements about the defecit.
Naah the repubs won't pay for it they get tax cuts remember, they expect the working class to pay for it.
And of course it would be a supplemental spending bill so it would not show up in Bush's budget statements about the defecit.

You mean if I tell the IRS I'm a Republican I get a tax break and all the Democrats that live around me won't?
This is interesting. The NY Times ran a poll showing similar numbers to the LA times one. Rasumssen thus far, is the only one I've seen that shows such a startling difference.
How does it figure? If you claim Rasmussen is jockin' Bush wouldn't the poll numbers for this legislation be a lot higher as Bush wants it to pass?

No. If Rasmussen has a con tilt, then it has followed the con majority opinion quite nicely. When bush was popular with the cons, he was always higher in general opinion polls on their polls. The con base has turned against bush on this bill.

I don't think that's hard to follow.
No. If Rasmussen has a con tilt, then it has followed the con majority opinion quite nicely. When bush was popular with the cons, he was always higher in general opinion polls on their polls. The con base has turned against bush on this bill.

I don't think that's hard to follow.

So then because both Times' have a lib tilt they have the immigration reform bill as popular?
Read on a trailer banner on the local evening news that polls rate congress lower than Bush....
So I guess since the Dems hold a small majority they are actuslly workse than the Republicans. Or so the publics perception goes.
Personally I don't hold much faith in the accuracy of the publics perception after they re-elected Bush....