Immigration Polls

Read on a trailer banner on the local evening news that polls rate congress lower than Bush....
So I guess since the Dems hold a small majority they are actuslly workse than the Republicans. Or so the publics perception goes.
Personally I don't hold much faith in the accuracy of the publics perception after they re-elected Bush....
Harry Reid polled the same as Scooter. 19% approval.
Harry Reid polled the same as Scooter. 19% approval.

Damocles, I'm sure your senators have like 5% "approval" ratings. This is because no one knows who they are. Even I, a political junkie, do not know. It's clear that Reid isn't popular, but saying he has a 19% approval rating is fallacious, because people automatically associate that with executive approval ratings (which will always be higher than congressional ones, because there aren't many people in the US who don't know who George Bush is).
Damocles, I'm sure your senators have like 5% "approval" ratings. This is because no one knows who they are. Even I, a political junkie, do not know. It's clear that Reid isn't popular, but saying he has a 19% approval rating is fallacious, because people automatically associate that with executive approval ratings (which will always be higher than congressional ones, because there aren't many people in the US who don't know who George Bush is).
Really? Wow. I guess nobody knows who Congress is then?

they, as a whole, also got a whopping 19% approval.
Ahh well as long as their approval rating is lower than bush's ervrything is rosy :rolleyes:
Whatever. That wasn't my point and you know it. I couldn't care less what their approval rating is. The D Party still polls well over 10% above Rs on a generic national Congress vote. I certainly am not saying that the Rs are doing well because these people are doing poorly.