Immigration reform 1

bravo, there is a problem with US immigration policy. It presents a very real barrier to many immigrants. Some can't afford the compliance costs. Others don't have the ability (language problems or they just don't understand legal mumbo-jumbo) to fill out the forms properly and do not have the money to hire a lawyer. Then there are those who even if they can get over those hurdles won't be allowed entry for a very long time because they fail the preference tests.

There is a problem with immigration policy and it is the same one that applies to so many issues where you would likely have sympathy for the person trying to do the right thing. That is, too much bureaucratic red tape. This tape stops honest, hardworking people from feeding their families. That's why many just say, "to hell with it" and enter illegally. Get rid of that red tape and most will be happy too jump through reasonable hoops to get here.
bravo, there is a problem with US immigration policy. It presents a very real barrier to many immigrants. Some can't afford the compliance costs. Others don't have the ability (language problems or they just don't understand legal mumbo-jumbo) to fill out the forms properly and do not have the money to hire a lawyer. Then there are those who even if they can get over those hurdles won't be allowed entry for a very long time because they fail the preference tests.

There is a problem with immigration policy and it is the same one that applies to so many issues where you would likely have sympathy for the person trying to do the right thing. That is, too much bureaucratic red tape. This tape stops honest, hardworking people from feeding their families. That's why many just say, "to hell with it" and enter illegally. Get rid of that red tape and most will be happy too jump through reasonable hoops to get here.

This tape stops honest, hardworking people from feeding their families. ???

If your talking about people coming here for work thats another topic.(immigrant workers permits, etc.) work, and then leave, no welfare, no free medical, no children in school, no open ended time frame....
You enter, you work, you leave when your permit expires,.....NO PROBLEM

...thats not coming to this country to immigrate, that is another ball game...rad tape, like checking to see if your a murderer, a drug dealer, a spy, have a contagious disease, can support yourself, etc....thats not just bullshit red tape, thats necessary to protect your ass and my ass and our families asses from the others countries undesirables.......
remember when Castro cleaned out his mental hospitals by sending the nuts to Florida, now there voting democrats....:palm::cof1:
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Yeah, because you are so damaged by immigration. As I said, the ILLEGAL immigration problem is easy to solve. It's not anymore difficult than solving the problem of ILLEGAL drug use/trade.

So along with you grabbing your ankles, you also act subserviant.
OK, I coiuld see how that would work for you.
OMG, that may be the stupidest idea ever. Do you not understand what would happen to the dollar if we just started arbitrarily ignoring our debt? It's value would dwindle to nothing along with the purchasing power of the American consumer.

That would spur our manufacturing and we could decrease our trade deficit and put americans back to work. Not always as bad as it sounds.
This tape stops honest, hardworking people from feeding their families. ???

If your talking about people coming here for work thats another topic.(immigrant workers permits, etc.) work, and then leave, no welfare, no free medical, no children in school, no open ended time frame....
You enter, you work, you leave when your permit expires,.....NO PROBLEM

...thats not coming to this country to immigrate, that is another ball game...rad tape, like checking to see if your a murderer, a drug dealer, a spy, have a contagious disease, can support yourself, etc....thats not just bullshit red tape, thats necessary to protect your ass and my ass and our families asses from the others countries undesirables.......
remember when Castro cleaned out his mental hospitals by sending the nuts to Florida, now there voting democrats....:palm::cof1:
Boy I can sure as hell tell that you've never been to Miami! LOL
Because, if you make it easy to comply there is no reason not too. The legal cost of immigration alone, forget the delay if a preference is not available to you, is fairly high for a poor person. There are obvious benefits to being here legally, many avoid them not because they are criminals at heart, but because the hurdle is too high.

I think your wall would cost quite a bit.
I think it costs around $500 to apply for a work visa. Now tell me how many working poor in this country can afford that out of pocket let alone some poor schmuck from Guatamala?
We've always allowed the poor to come to the US, as long as they do it legally, and I don't see that changing.

I don't think it would cose more then what the illegal immigration problem is costing us and will continue to cost us.
I'm sorry but that's just simply no longer true. If your poor the odds of you obtaining legal authorization is heavily stacked against you. First our immigration process is fairly racist. It's fairly easy to obtain legal visa's if your from western Europe but it is prohibitively expensive and more often then not rejected if you come from say, Africa, South America or Asia.

For example, if you come from say Italy or France, you can pretty much drop by the US Embassy, complete the forms, pay the require fee, if you can afford it and it's pretty much a rubber stamp approval for a tourist visa and can leave for the US in a couple of days.

If your from Malaysia, you'll need to drop by the embassy, complete the paper work, pay the fee, if you can afford it, then wait around 6 weeks to be notified if your visa will be approved. In the mean time, unlike your European counter parts, you'll have to demonstrate that you meet the income and property qualifications required. If you do, you still only have less then a 50% chance of your tourist visa being approved.
I'm sorry but that's just simply no longer true. If your poor the odds of you obtaining legal authorization is heavily stacked against you. First our immigration process is fairly racist. It's fairly easy to obtain legal visa's if your from western Europe but it is prohibitively expensive and more often then not rejected if you come from say, Africa, South America or Asia.

For example, if you come from say Italy or France, you can pretty much drop by the US Embassy, complete the forms, pay the require fee, if you can afford it and it's pretty much a rubber stamp approval for a tourist visa and can leave for the US in a couple of days.

If your from Malaysia, you'll need to drop by the embassy, complete the paper work, pay the fee, if you can afford it, then wait around 6 weeks to be notified if your visa will be approved. In the mean time, unlike your European counter parts, you'll have to demonstrate that you meet the income and property qualifications required. If you do, you still only have less then a 50% chance of your tourist visa being approved.

So it's your belief that only those with money are able to immigrate and become legal citizens!!
So it's your belief that only those with money are able to immigrate and become legal citizens!!
Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say that. What I said is that our immigration system is a stacked deck that favors some citizens from some nations (mostly western Europe) while not others. Money isn't always the issue that's for sure. A wealthy individual from Thailand or Costa Rica would have a much more difficult time obtaining a tourist or immigration visa then a middle class person from Britain or France.
Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say that. What I said is that our immigration system is a stacked deck that favors some citizens from some nations (mostly western Europe) while not others. Money isn't always the issue that's for sure. A wealthy individual from Thailand or Costa Rica would have a much more difficult time obtaining a tourist or immigration visa then a middle class person from Britain or France.

I'm starting a new thread, regarding this, for reasons that will become obvious.