Immigration reform and universal healthcare

Apparently pointing out that many conservatards subscribe to the I-Got-Mine-So-Fuck-You philosophy has triggered several on my ignore list to mumble behind their gags about derp-derpity-plotz-burble-blither. What's that? Can't hear you! lol
Apparently pointing out that many conservatards subscribe to the I-Got-Mine-So-Fuck-You philosophy has triggered several on my ignore list to mumble behind their gags about derp-derpity-plotz-burble-blither. What's that? Can't hear you! lol

That's because you hide like a little bitch.
Thousands flock to free medical clinic, as Washington dithers on health care

yes these are the southern crackas that voted for trump

WISE, Va. — The sick and the disabled pour out of these mountains every summer for their one shot at free health care, but this year was supposed to hold hope for a better solution.

Donald Trump won the White House in part on a promise to fix it




Apparently pointing out that many conservatards subscribe to the I-Got-Mine-So-Fuck-You philosophy has triggered several on my ignore list to mumble behind their gags about derp-derpity-plotz-burble-blither. What's that? Can't hear you! lol

Well then, take us off you're ignore list. Or is it that you're really just an ass kissing troll?
[h=1]Witness the dealmaker in action![/h]After 19 months:

The E.U.—No Deal
Mexico—No Deal
Iran——No Deal
Canada—No Deal
N.K.——No Deal
Trade——No Deal
Healthcare—No Deal
Immigration—No Deal
Gun Control—No Deal
Infrastructure—No Deal
Disaster Relief—No Deal
Climate Change—No Deal

What makes Trump a good deal maker, again?
Blacks still twice as likely to be on welfare as whites. 11 million out of 41 million blacks rely on someone else to feed them and their bastard kids. Sad.

whitey sure do like their free stuff, especially southern crackas



Your healthcare system is THE most expensive and least efficient amongst all advanced post-industrial nations on the planet. Are you unaware of this?

Somebody has to pay for the technology you freeriders steal. You buy the second pill for $2 when the first one cost $5B

Apparently you don't want whatever the number of the day you pull out of your n-loving ass to have care. YOU refuse to personally fund it for them.

I don't give a shit because they're not my responsibility.
Your healthcare system is THE most expensive and least efficient amongst all advanced post-industrial nations on the planet. Are you unaware of this?

But wait! Obamacare is the "affordable care act" right? "Least efficient?" Yeah right, that's why Canadians of wealth come across the border to get critical operations so they don't die on the Canadian waiting list. That's why the UK sands many, many of their critical operations to India, right? That's why America leads the world in discoveries of new drugs and medical apparatus, huh?

"We have to pass it to find out what's in it." (Nancy Pelosi) Her definition of a stool sample.
No, it is, and with much worse healthcare outcomes and shorter life spans. Just so those of wealth and privilege can make more profit while tens thousands die yearly for lack of care.

America's alleged shorter life span is due to the fact that Americans live high on the hog but never the less their life expectancy has doubled in just a few short decades because of America's modern medicine procedures created by capitalism and the evil greed of profits.