Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Not too bad for a Photoshop photo. Just needs to blend the layering a bit.
not photoshopped heinie kraut boy
from the article
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Not too bad for a Photoshop photo. Just needs to blend the layering a bit.
Donald Trump wouldn't have to do it if your nigger hadn't failed despite his promises to do so. Why does a white MAN constantly have to fix what black BOYS fuck up?
your cracka god trump lied to the low IQ slackjaws
Apparently pointing out that many conservatards subscribe to the I-Got-Mine-So-Fuck-You philosophy has triggered several on my ignore list to mumble behind their gags about derp-derpity-plotz-burble-blither. What's that? Can't hear you! lol
Thousands flock to free medical clinic, as Washington dithers on health care
yes these are the southern crackas that voted for trump
WISE, Va. — The sick and the disabled pour out of these mountains every summer for their one shot at free health care, but this year was supposed to hold hope for a better solution.
Donald Trump won the White House in part on a promise to fix it
Apparently pointing out that many conservatards subscribe to the I-Got-Mine-So-Fuck-You philosophy has triggered several on my ignore list to mumble behind their gags about derp-derpity-plotz-burble-blither. What's that? Can't hear you! lol
Blacks still twice as likely to be on welfare as whites. 11 million out of 41 million blacks rely on someone else to feed them and their bastard kids. Sad.
That must sucks to not have an answer to the opening post.
Your healthcare system is THE most expensive and least efficient amongst all advanced post-industrial nations on the planet. Are you unaware of this?
whitey sure do like their free stuff, especially southern crackas
Your healthcare system is THE most expensive and least efficient amongst all advanced post-industrial nations on the planet. Are you unaware of this?
Whitey trump supporters loves free stuff
Free dental clinic in N.C. today draws hundreds
No, it is, and with much worse healthcare outcomes and shorter life spans. Just so those of wealth and privilege can make more profit while tens thousands die yearly for lack of care.