In honor of Ol' Blue Eyes!

You know Legion we tend to agree on many things but one thing I have noticed about you is you are long on mouth and short on rebuttal facts. So again if I'm wrong prove it!

I didn't say you are wrong, did I?

I asked if you were being credulous.
What "research" is that?

I did a Google search based on information he provided in posts and I found that what he said I was able to confirm. The only thing I cannot confirm is that he is who he claims to be and they are one in the same person.
This may surprise you, we disagree politically but I believe you have had articles published.

Thank you, Grump.

I've had dozens of op ed pieces published in major newspapers...and in national magazines.

Writing essays and op ed pieces is a pleasure for me...and I assure you I do not use the methods I use here when writing them.
He was a Republican in June, 1980, and there's not a scrap of verifiable evidence that Yank Apenis schmoozed him.

Unless you consider uncorroborated braggadocio evidence, that is.

What does Republican and serving a drink have to do with each other?