In humble praise of Evince

Even I thought maybe he was a tad over his skis in his assessment that Trump unequivocally stole the election and was a Russian asset. It appears he was right the whole time and has keen foresight. Everything he was saying to us has turned out to be 100 percent true, on this we must all agree.

Let’s all tip our hats to evince and his deductive talent.

Are you talking about Deshtard?
Even I thought maybe he was a tad over his skis in his assessment that Trump unequivocally stole the election and was a Russian asset. It appears he was right the whole time and has keen foresight. Everything he was saying to us has turned out to be 100 percent true, on this we must all agree.

Let’s all tip our hats to evince and his deductive talent.

Is this a eulogy? Has the insane crack addict finally left this mortal coil? I need proof before I start celebrating.
Even I thought maybe he was a tad over his skis in his assessment that Trump unequivocally stole the election and was a Russian asset. It appears he was right the whole time and has keen foresight. Everything he was saying to us has turned out to be 100 percent true, on this we must all agree.

Let’s all tip our hats to evince and his deductive talent.

Agree, except that evince is not a guy. lol
When it comes to the major issues of our generation, Evince - as well as a lot of other liberals - have been on the right side of history.

I can easily remember when it was a controversial opinion to think invading Iraq was a dumb ass idea, that George Dumbya Bush was going to be a terrible president, that voter suppression and subversion of democracy was ubiquitous, and that Republican stewardship of the economy might lead to a Great Recession.

There is nothing remotely controversial about those opinions now, and their veracity has been borne out by the events of our times.

Being conservative is having to always say "I'm sorry" practically by definition.
Sadly, they lack the courage to repent and they instead deny and reinvent history to suit.

Slavery, women's suffrage, colonial exploitation and mercantilism, executing Jesus, killing the indians,
it's all on them. Positive change, it's all ours. :cool:
Being conservative is having to always say "I'm sorry" practically by definition.
Sadly, they lack the courage to repent and they instead deny and reinvent history to suit.

Slavery, women's suffrage, colonial exploitation and mercantilism, executing Jesus, killing the indians,
it's all on them. Positive change, it's all ours. :cool:

When you find out you have been wrong all this time, will you just kill yourself? Please? :laugh:
awesome. you can write in big letters. I'm impressed not.


Even I thought maybe he was a tad over his skis in his assessment that Trump unequivocally stole the election and was a Russian asset. It appears he was right the whole time and has keen foresight. Everything he was saying to us has turned out to be 100 percent true, on this we must all agree.

Let’s all tip our hats to evince and his deductive talent.

Evince predicted buzzfeed would send out a false story confirming what you wanted to be true?