There Can be Only One!
The reality is you are a fascist mindlessly goosestepping to your Nazi party.
Your posts are useless trolling, and your insults are lame. I say again: Sober up and get in touch with reality and we can talk.
The reality is you are a fascist mindlessly goosestepping to your Nazi party.
Your posts are useless trolling, and your insults are lame. I say again: Sober up and get in touch with reality and we can talk.
You are what you are.
Anyone wanting your opinion can log on to DailyKOS. You are a mindless drone of the fascist democrat Reich.
Unlike you, I don't drink or do drugs.
It's no wonder you're a Trumper.
And... you're back to trolling and lame insults. You need to stay away from that rotgut.
Maybe a few more should read it...
the point was you need to expand beyond whatever right derp news you watch that never shows you negative news about Trump, like him calling for the "termination" of the Constitution which was all over regular news.
And what you propose would send back generations and generations of Americans who are here due to birth right citizenship and who have had kids here based on that.
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I listen to enough news sources that i do not miss any of the news.
Unlike you, i there are not major news stories that i never saw or read due to living in a right derp silo.
MSNBCCP, CNN, DailyKOS, Alternet, The Guardian, Atlantic
Did I miss any?
Alright, show us ANY "thought" you have that didn't come from a leftist hate site? On any political or social issue?
Prove me wrong, here's your chance.
So you are just stupid then!
You're not stupid because you're a Nazi.
You're a Nazi because you're stupid.
Godwin’s Law in action right here, folks.
Right, because I'm willing to be ruled by an internet troll from the 1980's and never say the truth of what you are... I never voted for Godwin and have no reason to obey laws he decreed.
Try again.
Godwin’s Law in action right here, folks.
Oh. Wow. Your eloquence and intellect have convinced me to become a science-hating, gay-bashing, woman-scorning conservative. Thanks for enlightening me.
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Alright, show us ANY "thought" you have that didn't come from a leftist hate site? On any political or social issue?
Prove me wrong, here's your chance.
I don't agree that America is over, but I do see the democrats as the greatest threat America has ever faced.
The democrats win or America survives. One or the other - not both.
WWI, WWII, the Vietnam War and the massive division created by the ten year war. Civil War.