You are nowhere near as intelligent as the Founding Fathers therefore unqualified to pass judgement on their actions.
I'm not saying you're stupid, you're not, but you're about 75% as smart as many of them were.
The US government worked pretty good up until around 2000. There were serious things done in the 70s and 80s to undermine the integrity of it.
By the 2000s that started to manifest itself and snowball.
Your conservative faction is the beneficiary of the major mistakes, so that has to influence your opinion.
The density of America's population lies in the politically blue cultural centers.
The conservative southern and interior [and largely rural] portion of United States
was gifted by our compromise-laden constitution
with governmental representation far in excess
of what it's population, by percentage of total, warrants.
Remember that our democracy was an early try in an era of powerful monarchs.
Since then, many far more modern democracies have left us in the dust
with their enlightened progressiveness.
This isn't an argument about what we want.
We clearly agree that we don't want the same things.
This is an argument of how well our form of government can give us what we want.
Neither side is happy, so the compromise government is a failure.