In my mailbox this morning…

No doubt that's where you get yours, Matt, but I'm like Reagan when it comes to the American justice system and America's freedom of the press: I trust, but verify.

You're not like Reagan at all. You're a wannabe Nazi soldier in America.
You are nowhere near as intelligent as the Founding Fathers therefore unqualified to pass judgement on their actions.

I'm not saying you're stupid, you're not, but you're about 75% as smart as many of them were.

The US government worked pretty good up until around 2000. There were serious things done in the 70s and 80s to undermine the integrity of it.

By the 2000s that started to manifest itself and snowball.

Your conservative faction is the beneficiary of the major mistakes, so that has to influence your opinion.

The density of America's population lies in the politically blue cultural centers.

The conservative southern and interior [and largely rural] portion of United States
was gifted by our compromise-laden constitution
with governmental representation far in excess
of what it's population, by percentage of total, warrants.

Remember that our democracy was an early try in an era of powerful monarchs.

Since then, many far more modern democracies have left us in the dust
with their enlightened progressiveness.

This isn't an argument about what we want.
We clearly agree that we don't want the same things.

This is an argument of how well our form of government can give us what we want.
Neither side is happy, so the compromise government is a failure.
Your conservative faction is the beneficiary of the major mistakes, so that has to influence your opinion.

The density of America's population lies in the politically blue cultural centers.

The conservative southern and interior [and largely rural] portion of United States
was gifted by our compromise-laden constitution
with governmental representation far in excess
of what it's population, by percentage of total, warrants.

Remember that our democracy was an early try in an era of powerful monarchs.

Since then, many far more modern democracies have left us in the dust
with their enlightened progressiveness.

This isn't an argument about what we want.
We clearly agree that we don't want the same things.

This is an argument of how well our form of government can give us what we want.
Neither side is happy, so the compromise government is a failure.

You realize I'm in a state with a higher population than New York, right?

Your state has slightly less than 1/3 the population of mine.

Right now, the Federal government is failing to secure our borders, which is its job.

That's egregious failure.
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You realize I'm in a state with a higher population than New York, right?

Yup, by about two million people.

Until the past couple of decades, though, Florida was very purple.
I had some of the most fun I've ever had partying in Florida.

I don't know what fucked The Sunshine State up to such a hopeless state of insanity.
The fucking Batista-loving fascist Cubans dropped kids like rabbits, I guess.

Anyway, you're probably not in the tourism industry so you needn't care
that I'll never spend another nickel there.
Believes all news is fake news except on Twitter and Truth Social. :rofl2:

Lemme guess, you get your medical advice off Facebook?

I actually found out about that by researching GA legislature news or whatever.

There's like a PBS channel here where all they show is FL State legislature all day.

I don't use sketch sources as often as possible, Dumb Dutch.

I already did my research into the propaganda machine that is mainstream news 9 years ago.
I actually found out about that by researching GA legislature news or whatever.

There's like a PBS channel here where all they show is FL State legislature all day.
You also support a tyrannical traitorous pedophile for President, Matt. Wassup wid dat?

Yup, by about two million people.

Until the past couple of decades, though, Florida was very purple.
I had some of the most fun I've ever had partying in Florida.

I don't know what fucked The Sunshine State up to such a hopeless state of insanity.
The fucking Batista-loving fascist Cubans dropped kids like rabbits, I guess.

Anyway, you're probably not in the tourism industry so you needn't care
that I'll never spend another nickel there.

You got that right. In fact, I'm a member of the Anti Florida Tourism brigade. :awesome:

Also known as "YGH".
The evidence is clear, Matt. What kind of scumbags would vote for a pedophile?

That picture doesn't show that, you fuckin' weirdo shitbag.

A: His lips are on her cheek.

B: No tongue protruding.

Why you gotta slander people, you fucking shitbag? You need a proper kick right in the nuts.
This has gone on far too long
by all factions and persuasions on this forum.

And the mods obviously don't give a shit, but hey,
it's not my webpage, I know.

Do you come from a place where being friendly to children is regarded as pedophilia?
I come from a place where my lack of affection for other people's children is considered callous.

Never before in my life, prior to arriving at this forum,
have I seen more harmless affectionate gestures labeled as pedophilia.

Biden and Trump are targeted equally,
and equally stupidly.

The internet is a sewer,
so I suppose that I should have expected more sewer rats,
but some of you are seriously sick fucks.

I shudder to imagine the circumstances in which some of you were raised.

Next, you'll be telling me to accuse my dog of bestiality for licking my face.
This has gone on far too long
by all factions and persuasions on this forum.

And the mods obviously don't give a shit, but hey,
it's not my webpage, I know.

Do you come from a place where being friendly to children is regarded as pedophilia?
I come from a place where my lack of affection for other people's children is considered callous.

Never before in my life, prior to arriving at this forum,
have I seen more harmless affectionate gestures labeled as pedophilia.

The internet is a sewer,
so I suppose that I should have expected more sewer rats,
but some of you are seriously sick fucks.

I shudder to imagine the circumstances in which some of you were raised.

Next, you'll be telling me to accuse my dog of bestiality for licking my face.

I didn't want to believe anything bad about Biden, then..your favorite person Legion posted a link that shows he is a bad man.

I defended Biden for years.
It takes bravery to admit that America isn't the greatest nation on Earth and that the Constitution is flawed.

Au contraire … and I know it is a matter of opinion, but the USA is the greatest nation on Earth. And if there are flaws in the constitution (and I’m not saying there are, but it is a man made document) there are means in place to correct them.
That picture doesn't show that, you fuckin' weirdo shitbag.

A: His lips are on her cheek.

B: No tongue protruding.

Why you gotta slander people, you fucking shitbag? You need a proper kick right in the nuts.
Too fucking stupid to admit Trump is molesting a little girl. Sad.

Found this little booklet in my work mailbox this morning. In fact it was in everyone’s mailbox.

Some will applaud and some will be appalled. Which will you be?

Of course, there are all those pesky Amendments that keep getting in the way of the usual right wing myopia when it comes to the Constitution. ( I mean, Paul Harvey? :rolleyes: GMAFB!)

Gotta give the little cusses credit for persistence, though.
Of course, there are all those pesky Amendments that keep getting in the way of the usual right wing myopia when it comes to the Constitution. ( I mean, Paul Harvey? :rolleyes: GMAFB!)

Gotta give the little cusses credit for persistence, though.

I liked Paul Harvey's stories on the radio and in books, but, sadly, he died in 2009 at age 90.
Au contraire … and I know it is a matter of opinion, but the USA is the greatest nation on Earth.

Why, Rev?
What are your criteria for that?

The world is overrun with democracies, most far more modern than ours.

Standard of Living?
We're not rated in the top ten.

Health Care?
Again, not in the top ten.

No luck there, either.

By what standard are we the best nation in the world?
Arrogant nationalist chauvinism?

I'll give you those,
but I don't include them in my major criteria

I'm sorry that I can't buy into it, Rev,
but by the same token,
I guess I am happy that you're so satisfied.

Different eyes look at the same thing
but see different things, obviously.:dunno:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Of course, there are all those pesky Amendments that keep getting in the way of the usual right wing myopia when it comes to the Constitution. ( I mean, Paul Harvey? GMAFB!)

Gotta give the little cusses credit for persistence, though.

I liked Paul Harvey's stories on the radio and in books, but, sadly, he died in 2009 at age 90.

Well, like the man said, "there's no accounting for taste" (and I don't mean that as an insult).
Well, like the man said, "there's no accounting for taste" (and I don't mean that as an insult).

Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story" are classics. One of the most memorable for me the story of a former gangster attorney and partner of Al Capone, EJ "Easy Eddie" O'hare. His son was the "rest of the story". EJ O'Hare was murdered after helping the Feds nab Al Capone. His son went on to become a Medal of Honor recipient for his actions as a Navy pilot in WWII.