In response to the Kavanaugh beer wars

I'm sure "they" are. They're still ripping you off. Don't even try to lie to me, you're paying at least one guy to help you out. You were insistent upon using the word 'pro'. Suck it newb. When you get to a zero handicap you can talk shit to me...until then, lick my nutsack Wimpy.

The Pro's...are guys I work with each day I work, Jerk-off.

I work at one of five major league (for county courses) golf courses.

Each has at least one teaching pro...and some of the courses have several.

I do not take lessons. I am not an especially athletic individual...and I am satisfied that I got as good as I was several years ago. (Index below 13) I am not happy that things are not as good as I'd like them to be with my game right now...but I AM HAPPY about being out playing four days every week at age 82.

"Zero handicap" huh???

You are a golfer...right?

Lemme give you a tip. If you are going to offer unwanted and horrible instruction to others...learn the phrase "scratch golfer." If you continue to use "zero handicap"...golfers are going to realize you are a phony and probably a fucking asshole.

Anyway...I hope your game stays in order. A stretch like this is nothing to wish even on an asshole.
The Pro's...are guys I work with each day I work, Jerk-off.

I work at one of five major league (for county courses) golf courses.

Each has at least one teaching pro...and some of the courses have several.

I do not take lessons. I am not an especially athletic individual...and I am satisfied that I got as good as I was several years ago. (Index below 13) I am not happy that things are not as good as I'd like them to be with my game right now...but I AM HAPPY about being out playing four days every week at age 82.

"Zero handicap" huh???

You are a golfer...right?

Lemme give you a tip. If you are going to offer unwanted and horrible instruction to others...learn the phrase "scratch golfer." If you continue to use "zero handicap"...golfers are going to realize you are a phony and probably a fucking asshole.

Anyway...I hope your game stays in order. A stretch like this is nothing to wish even on an asshole.

Damn Frank, that's a lot of wordage. Struck a nerve did I?

Suck my dick until you get down to zero you pompous ass.
Damn Frank, that's a lot of wordage. Struck a nerve did I?

Suck my dick until you get down to zero you pompous ass.

You couldn't strike a nerve with me if you used a howitzer.

You are a jerk-off...and I am letting you know that you are.

Gotta laugh at an officious asshole like you giving long-distance golf advice.

My guess is the guys at your clubs avoid you like the plague.
Every election the political environment favors them less and less, so that now (2018) they have to have every red Jack and Jill on the battlements and that still may not be enough. If not 2018, then 2020 or 2022. It's inevitable.

2016 favored the dumb fucks less than in 2008 or 2012? You may be right.

Only losers spend their time talking about the future.
Can't argue with that but the last thing I want from government is my money's worth.

Just think how liberals could remove themselves from all this, by moving to Antarctica; but they won't, because they need something to complain about and that way they can feel important.

kavanaugh's sins as a teenager are important, but not as important as his testimony in which he cried like a baby and claimed he was a victim of a cabal that was a reaction to the 2016 election. How dumb was that? Then the Clintons are after him. What an idiot he is. Then saying "what goes around comes around". He disqualified hoimself as a neutral and fair minded judge. He should be on no court, let alone the most important in the world. No honest and fair minded person can vote for him. It requires a subservience to party politics and right wing dogma over a fair and honest vote.

What sins do you find him guilty of??
jimmymccready Every election the political environment favors them less and less, so that now (2018) they have to have every red Jack and Jill on the battlements and that still may not be enough. If not 2018, then 2020 or 2022. It's inevitable.

2016 favored the dumb fucks less than in 2008 or 2012? You may be right. Only losers spend their time talking about the future.

That statement of yours flash is simply dim: lacks insight. Everyone looks and talks about the future. The smart ones look back and figure out what needs to be done. The dumb ones just look back.

The facts are that the political and demographic factors favor the GOP less and less. Fact.
jimmymccready Every election the political environment favors them less and less, so that now (2018) they have to have every red Jack and Jill on the battlements and that still may not be enough. If not 2018, then 2020 or 2022. It's inevitable.

That statement of yours flash is simply dim: lacks insight. Everyone looks and talks about the future. The smart ones look back and figure out what needs to be done. The dumb ones just look back.

The facts are that the political and demographic factors favor the GOP less and less. Fact.

We know---we have been told a million times--mostly to soothe the egos of those not currently in power. Interesting that this needs to be repeated on the day it looks like Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

Of course, you assume demographic groups will continue to vote as they do today which is seldom been the case. Blacks voted heavily Republican until 1934. The South voted heavily Democratic until the 1960's and the NE voted Republican. The working class traditionally voted Democratic but they have been losing a lot of that support. Upper income used to vote Republican but that is now about evenly divided. Males and females traditionally voted about the same but today there is a big gender gap.

You are right in that current demographic trends favor the Democrats although it will be about 2060 (according to the Census Bureau) before we will see any big changes. The only trends that will benefit Republicans is that the increase in minority Democratic voters are fairly young with lower voter turnout. The number of Americans over 65 will increase from 56 million (17% of population) to 95 million (23%) in 2060 and turnout is the highest for older voters and they are the most reliable Republican voters.

Also, population will continue to increase in the South and West giving red states more electoral votes and House seats.
Flash, please read the Census Bureau again, because you calculations are thirty to forty years too late for you cause.

I know what educated southern millennials want, and their younger brothers and sisters want, and it is not "a country boy will survive." :)

And please keep looking backward.
'I like beer I like beer I like beer." Famous Brett Kavanaugh quote.




Like Trump said, Ford was completely credible. of course with a horribly flawed right-wing crazy rapist like Kavanaugh, the only way to survive was to swiftboat Ford. So instead of backing the goofy Brett, they went directly at Ford calling her a liar. Brett, who has a history of lying and was proud to do it for congress, was backed 100 percent. Then the whitehouse tied the hands of the FBI and ignored many who asked to give their testimony. The Bar assoc was deciding to withdraw their backing of Brett due to his total lack of judicial temperament. There are thousands of lawyers asking the senate to not put that crybaby on the court. These type actions are unheard of. But this is what the Repubs do. They have no shame and no values.
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Like Trump said, Ford was completely credible. of course with a horribly flawed right-wing crazy rapist like Kavanaugh, the only way to survive was to swiftboat Ford. So instead of backing the goofy Brett, they went directly at Ford calling her a liar. Brett, who has a history of lying and was proud to do it for congress, was backed 100 percent. Then the whitehouse tied the hands of the FBI and ignored many who asked to give their testimony. The Bar assoc was deciding to withdraw their backing of Brett due to his totakl lack of judicial temperament. There are thousands of lawyers asking the senate to not put that crybaby on the court. These type actions are unheard of. But this is what the Repubs do. They have no shame and no values.
