I'm sure "they" are. They're still ripping you off. Don't even try to lie to me, you're paying at least one guy to help you out. You were insistent upon using the word 'pro'. Suck it newb. When you get to a zero handicap you can talk shit to me...until then, lick my nutsack Wimpy.
The Pro's...are guys I work with each day I work, Jerk-off.
I work at one of five major league (for county courses) golf courses.
Each has at least one teaching pro...and some of the courses have several.
I do not take lessons. I am not an especially athletic individual...and I am satisfied that I got as good as I was several years ago. (Index below 13) I am not happy that things are not as good as I'd like them to be with my game right now...but I AM HAPPY about being out playing four days every week at age 82.
"Zero handicap" huh???
You are a golfer...right?
Lemme give you a tip. If you are going to offer unwanted and horrible instruction to others...learn the phrase "scratch golfer." If you continue to use "zero handicap"...golfers are going to realize you are a phony and probably a fucking asshole.
Anyway...I hope your game stays in order. A stretch like this is nothing to wish even on an asshole.