In Rural America, Fears About The Future Abound As Fewer Students Go To College

"Other People's Money" Maggie Thatcher had the best definition of Socialism when she said "Socialism is fine until you run out of Other People's Money". Class envy is never good. Tradespeople don't give a flying fuck how much a person makes. They care about THEIR businesses' successes.

So tradespeople are stupid. I agree.
So tradespeople are stupid. I agree.

Smart enough not to incur tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt for worthless "gender studies" or some other basket-weaving degree that will get them nowhere in the real world. Tradespeople, contrary to your Far Left elitist scumbag view, are ten times smarter than some asswipe who wasted years in college for nothing.
Those figures include huge declines among dual-enrollment students, who get a head start by taking college classes while they're still in high school, suggesting that future numbers may be even worse.

They need to end the dual-enrollment programs. Students are getting college credit for high school level work. They get 2 years of college credit but many times have never even taken a real college course. I have seen many disgusting practices by high schools and colleges to keep these students and make sure they make high grades.
Since when did getting a college degree become the be-all, end-all of success in life? These kids could easily do as well or better learning a skilled trade and later take some college courses they like and can pay for without going deep in debt. There are many trades jobs that pay as well or better than ones gotten with many college degrees. To push the idea that the only path to real success is college is such a lie it should be outlawed.

No, they'll just make those trades degree required as well.

"But how can you make a college program for fixing a sink?" If you think that's the idea behind a college education, you're pretty stupid.