Incels? What about Femcels?


Did anyone ever wonder if such a category of women exists?

Well, it does.

Femcels, the female equivalent of incels, are a thing.

I've noticed lately, and even not so lately, a certain proclivity among certain JPP members of the female persuasion, to toss around the term "incel" as a pejorative for men they want to portray as losers who can't get women because they are creepy, or disgusting or not progressive or somehow otherwise less than masculine enough to be deemed worthy of the sexual favors and companionship of women.

The presumption apparently being that the best thing any male can hope for, is to have any woman in his life no matter who she is, because, as the presumption also presumes, all women are worthy of any man, even though not all men are worthy of any woman, due to our innumerable faults which they are always happy to point out, but which women apparently don't possess in kind.

Hence, the existence of incels.

But what about Femcels?

Women who, due to their own innumerable faults in terms of physical appearance, low intellect, mean-spirited, rotten personality (aka "bitchiness"), crappy values, no sense of humor, etc, etc, or some combination of the aforementioned, cannot get a man, and in response, have become what traditionally have been known as man-hating shrews.

Or in today's trendy parlance, Femcels.

Understand, I personally have no problem with the discussion of incels because I don't fit the way they have been described.

My only concern, as in most of these kinds of cultural issue discussions, i.e. men-women/black-white, etc, is one-sidedness. Seems like it's always OK for women to knock and debase men or talk about what shit we are, or make remarks that speculate about our sexual prowess or lack thereof, but when men say anything remotely similar about women, we are accused of "shaming" and that we're low-class, knuckle-dragging neanderthals.

And let's face it, simply in terms of sex, most people who are middle aged or over and who've been married for 30, 40, 50 + years, are not having sex either.

Anyway, for a bit of a more balanced perspective on the issue of people who cannot find a mate, or who have either never had sex, or haven't had it in so long, they can't remember it, I did a little poking around and came up with some interesting views on the subject of Femcels.

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Don't we already have militant feminists?

I suppose many of them would fall into the category of femcels.

I'm mainly interested in the views of the female members here on the subject.

Are incels worse than femcels?

Are femcels as bad as incels?

Should femcels be looked down upon or deserve the same lack of respect as incels?

Will I even get any responses from the forum females?

I don't think the reason Incels are on the public's radar has anything to do with physical appearance or celibacy.

My wife said that Incel who slaughtered the UC Santa Barbara sorority girls was a nice looking guy.

Priests and nuns choose celibacy, and no one holds it against them. Lots of single dads and single moms in theory night like to date, but they are too busy with small children and other priorities to have time to invest in relationships.

It seems to me the threads that put Incels on the radar are toxic resentment, misogyny, and grievance which can be manifested into violence and murder.
Okay here's an important question.

Is there a history of "femcels" killing men?

I don't think the reason Incels are on the public's radar has anything to do with physical appearance or celibacy.

My wife said that Incel who slaughtered the UC Santa Barbara sorority girls was a nice looking guy.

Priests and nuns choose celibacy, and no one holds it against them. Lots of single dads and single moms in theory night like to date, but they are too busy with small children and other priorities to have time to invest in relationships.

It seems to me the threads that put Incels on the radar are toxic resentment, misogyny, and grievance which can be manifested into violence and murder.

Men have always had a much higher general, across the board, tendency towards violence of every kind, not just towards women and not just out of hatred or resentment towards them, borne of an inability to meet, date and have relationships with them, including sexual relationships.

Look at Ted Bundy, for example.

I don't think one could classify him as an incel.

I think male violent tendencies have more to do with testosterone of course, and several millennia of socialization of men as needing to be aggressive, re: the establishment of traditional male and female roles in all societies and even the animal kingdom.

In short, men are warriors by nature.

Sometimes the warrior instinct overlaps into areas we'd rather it didn't.
I posted an article a few days ago where the author joined an online group of incels. According to the article, they typically refer to women in general as "femoids," or "female humanoids." That's *all* women, not just single ones. The old-fashioned word "spinster" kind of describes a woman who isn't married or dating. It has a negative connotation but not to the same degree as "incel" does.

I guess the reason that "Incel" is seen as such a negative is that being unhappily single often comes along with violence, threats of violence, misogyny, and resentment. In contrast, unhappily-single women are typically more depressed, bitter, and crabby but not violent. Except maybe in women's prisons.