Incest and Delayed Motherhood

I personally wouldn't, but the author does bring up a good point and one that I hadn't EVER considered nor do I have a retort for.
I personally wouldn't, but the author does bring up a good point and one that I hadn't EVER considered nor do I have a retort for.

Considered in what context? In the context of allowing first cousins to marry, or in the context of you were thinking of putting off child-bearing for that long?
Considered in what context? In the context of allowing first cousins to marry, or in the context of you were thinking of putting off child-bearing for that long?

In the context that I don't see anything wrong with a 48 y/o woman marrying, but I view cousins that marry as pretty vile. It turns out that my justification toward cousins marrying can be statistically applied to older women that have children. Which brings up the most important question of all: should I have this preconceived notion of cousins marrying or should I add near 50 women bearing kids to list of no-nos?
Say what....!

Phew, thanks for looking that up for me. My first reaction was the same as yours – “you mean, screwing your sister can cause birth defects, oh shite”. Hey maybe we is neighbors…I am up here in the Appalachians, you?

You should address this to Lady T...she is the one researching wether she should marry a cousin when she hits 45 :cof1:...and no we are not neighbors...and incest is bad...I just pointed out the error in Lady T's title for the thread starter!
In the context that I don't see anything wrong with a 48 y/o woman marrying, but I view cousins that marry as pretty vile. It turns out that my justification toward cousins marrying can be statistically applied to older women that have children. Which brings up the most important question of all: should I have this preconceived notion of cousins marrying or should I add near 50 women bearing kids to list of no-nos?

Well, I don’t know what you should do. I really don’t have anything against cousins marrying or older women having children. I don’t really know why you would want to marry your cousin, especially considering how stupid mine are, or why a 48 year old woman would want to have children. But there’s a lot of things people do that I don’t get, and I really don’t care either.
Well, I don’t know what you should do. I really don’t have anything against cousins marrying or older women having children. I don’t really know why you would want to marry your cousin, especially considering how stupid mine are, or why a 48 year old woman would want to have children. But there’s a lot of things people do that I don’t get, and I really don’t care either.

Really? I'd be disgusted if my first or 2nd cousins married and wanted to have kids.
LOL. I’d just figure, well, that saves two completely innocent people from getting involved with this family.

Ugh. Really? They'd hear it from me. As long as they adopted I wouldn't give two $hits but if they actually took a chance and had kids.....
Ugh. Really? They'd hear it from me. As long as they adopted I wouldn't give two $hits but if they actually took a chance and had kids.....

I do think it’s gross Tiana, but none of my cousins are going to marry, few of us can stand to be in the same room. I’m just saying, I really never gave it any thought as far as other people go.
I do think it’s gross Tiana, but none of my cousins are going to marry, few of us can stand to be in the same room. I’m just saying, I really never gave it any thought as far as other people go.

Well, neither did I until just now!