Income Gap


This appeared in yesterday's Business section of the NY Times. Someone once told me that you should always read the business section of all newspapers because it was amazing how much real news you would get there, with no slanting, and also, how many of the stories that appeared in the business sections, would later grow into huge stories, and sometimes, scandals. And actually it was good advice.

I haven't seen anyone mention this on television or anywhere yet, so I thought I would start a little class warfare by rudely noticing that this adminstration's policies wage class warfare.

Income Gap Is Widening, Data Shows
Income inequality grew significantly in 2005, with the top 1 percent of Americans — those with incomes that year of more than $348,000 — receiving their largest share of national income since 1928, analysis of newly released tax data shows.

The top 10 percent, roughly those earning more than $100,000, also reached a level of income share not seen since before the Depression.

While total reported income in the United States increased almost 9 percent in 2005, the most recent year for which such data is available, average incomes for those in the bottom 90 percent dipped slightly compared with the year before, dropping $172, or 0.6 percent.

The gains went largely to the top 1 percent, whose incomes rose to an average of more than $1.1 million each, an increase of more than $139,000, or about 14 percent.

The new data also shows that the top 300,000 Americans collectively enjoyed almost as much income as the bottom 150 million Americans. Per person, the top group received 440 times as much as the average person in the bottom half earned, nearly doubling the gap from 1980.
Income and wages are very different things. I feel that our govt should publish avg wage income, not average all income. Or publish the two items seperately.

Who cares industry is doing well the economy is booming gas is cheap, etc...

oops a little spinner coming out there ;)
Income and wages are very different things. I feel that our govt should publish avg wage income, not average all income. Or publish the two items seperately.

Who cares industry is doing well the economy is booming gas is cheap, etc...

oops a little spinner coming out there ;)

Oh shit I forgot about him. This thread ought to draw him like a chocolate jesus thread will draw AHZ.
Income and wages are very different things. I feel that our govt should publish avg wage income, not average all income. Or publish the two items seperately.

Who cares industry is doing well the economy is booming gas is cheap, etc...

oops a little spinner coming out there ;)

That's true. The market did perform really well so people's returns could be skewing the figures a little bit. Also, are they including retirement plans like 401Ks?
That's true. The market did perform really well so people's returns could be skewing the figures a little bit. Also, are they including retirement plans like 401Ks?

Well, wage reports are published. And they've been stagnated, with inflation taken into account.

Stocks are included in this report, since they make up a large part of the income of the wealthiest.
I heard Bush in a speech the other day talking about the income disparities and how they are a real problem...
Did he break out into that bevis and butthead snicker during this speech?
Nope. Not that one.

Did you hear his last one? He basically did a stand-up routine. I was stunned. His timing was on, hesitation at a minimum, and the jokes actually got a laugh from all involved. It was at the press thing, about two days ago or so...

Rove sucked, his jokes fell flat.
Nope. Not that one.

Did you hear his last one? He basically did a stand-up routine. I was stunned. His timing was on, hesitation at a minimum, and the jokes actually got a laugh from all involved. It was at the press thing, about two days ago or so...

Rove sucked, his jokes fell flat.

Yes, and I couldn't control myself, even though I didn't want to, I did laugh when he got to the line about "and my vice president, had just shot someone".

I literaly thought I might puke from watching that Rove thing. That was just, well, one of the ugliest human beings I've ever seen, attempting to rap dance...just not pretty. I didn't laugh once. I think my mouth was hanging open the whole time though.
Well, wage reports are published. And they've been stagnated, with inflation taken into account.

Stocks are included in this report, since they make up a large part of the income of the wealthiest.

:toilet: Puts on Topsin hat:

I don't think that everyone included in their would necessarily be considered, "wealthy" then if they are over the 100K mark. It could be middle class people nearing retirement with their retirement monies invested in IRAs, MFs. If you've got about $300K in invested savings and got a return of 10% or so this last year you're included in the top 10 percentile if you are making around $70K. Which defiinitely isn't wealthy in these parts.

Takes hat off
Yes, and I couldn't control myself, even though I didn't want to, I did laugh when he got to the line about "and my vice president, had just shot someone".

I literaly thought I might puke from watching that Rove thing. That was just, well, one of the ugliest human beings I've ever seen, attempting to rap dance...just not pretty. I didn't laugh once. I think my mouth was hanging open the whole time though.

LOL really???!! I have to you tube that when I get home.
Yes, and I couldn't control myself, even though I didn't want to, I did laugh when he got to the line about "and my vice president, had just shot someone".

I literaly thought I might puke from watching that Rove thing. That was just, well, one of the ugliest human beings I've ever seen, attempting to rap dance...just not pretty. I didn't laugh once. I think my mouth was hanging open the whole time though.
The Rove thing was just embarrassing. Especially the "You're Fired" stuff. It just kept getting worse.
:toilet: Puts on Topsin hat:

I don't think that everyone included in their would necessarily be considered, "wealthy" then if they are over the 100K mark. It could be middle class people nearing retirement with their retirement monies invested in IRAs, MFs. If you've got about $300K in invested savings and got a return of 10% or so this last year you're included in the top 10 percentile if you are making around $70K. Which defiinitely isn't wealthy in these parts.

Takes hat off

No, everyone in there isn't considered wealthy. Look:

Income inequality grew significantly in 2005, with the top 1 percent of Americans — those with incomes that year of more than $348,000 — receiving their largest share of national income since 1928, analysis of newly released tax data shows. The top 1 percent of Americans, have received their largest share of national income since 1928. This is a very historically alarming sign.
The top 10 percent, roughly those earning more than $100,000, also reached a level of income share not seen since before the Depression. Now, it does not stipulate that those earning more than 100k are wealthy necessarily, because this would all depend on where you live, whether you have children, how many, and of course, what your other assest are. However, what cannot be in dispute, is that if you have an income of over 100k, you are in the top 10percent in the United States of America. Now, if they are not wealthy, what does this say about the NINETY PERCENT of Americans who are below them? Further, another alarming figure here, is that whether we feel these people are wealthy enough or not, their demographic took in their largest share of national income since before the depression. Again, historically significant.
While total reported income in the United States increased almost 9 percent in 2005, the most recent year for which such data is available, average incomes for those in the bottom 90 percent dipped slightly compared with the year before, dropping $172, or 0.6 percent. And here we have it. Average incomes for those in the bottom 90%, and that's most of us, dipped.
Well, wage reports are published. And they've been stagnated, with inflation taken into account.

Stocks are included in this report, since they make up a large part of the income of the wealthiest.

Heck, Dividend payouts like Miscosoft had skews the figures on income.
And the bonuses fo execs and stock market traders.
Heck, Dividend payouts like Miscosoft had skews the figures on income.
And the bonuses fo execs and stock market traders.

Yes usc, those are the wealthiest one percent among us. I don't think their iincomes are "skewed" by receiving huge payouts. That's part of the income inequality problem.
I heard Bush in a speech the other day talking about the income disparities and how they are a real problem...

Wow he is getting desperate, of course it is only talk, like his being against nation building and the US being the police for for the world. ONly fools should believe what Bush says at this point in time.
Wow he is getting desperate, of course it is only talk, like his being against nation building and the US being the police for for the world. ONly fools should believe what Bush says at this point in time.

I don't know why you say that. He's going to close the gap by offering one-time, 300 hundred dollar tax relief checks to the middle class, while making permanent the tax cuts for the upper 2 percentile.

Most economists believe this will solve the growing inequality problem.
Yes usc, those are the wealthiest one percent among us. I don't think their iincomes are "skewed" by receiving huge payouts. That's part of the income inequality problem.

I was meaning the Average income is skewed, not their incomes.

I thnk the Wall street types recently go somewhere in the 10's of billions in bonuses....