‘Incredible Moment in History’: Political Experts Stunned by Latest ‘Huge’ Endorsement For Kamala Harris

The majority of repub Pols opposed Trump in 2016. We voters told them to go fuck themselves. We choose our candidate, not the royal court.

We aren't socialist leftist pigs that need to have the elites choose are candidate for us, like you fucking non-thinkers.


In a surprising turn of events, former Vice President Dick Cheney, a staunch conservative figure, has announced his support for Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democratic ticket in the upcoming election. This revelation, confirmed by Cheney’s daughter, Liz Cheney, has sent shockwaves through the political landscape.

The endorsement, unveiled during an interview on Friday, has ignited a frenzy on social media and prompted intense discussions about the evolving dynamics within the Republican Party.

Political commentator Keith Boykin reacted with astonishment, noting, “Never been a fan of Dick Cheney, but this exposes how today’s Republican Party no longer believes in principles of conservatism. It’s just a cult of Trump.”

Talk radio host Barry Markson also weighed in, highlighting the significance of Cheney’s decision: “Dick Cheney was one of the most conservative congressmen and VPs in history. He sees the threat Trump poses to our democracy and is voting for a Democrat for the first time.”

Democratic consultant D.J. Koessler added to the historical context, saying, “Imagine telling yourself in the early 2000s that Dick Cheney would one day endorse the Democratic candidate for president because the GOP’s 2024 nominee poses an existential threat to American democracy. The stakes in this election are truly historic.”

So, some radical Leftist on-line publication to the Left of the Daily Kos, called The Daily Boulder publishes an unattributed article--the author is listed as "staff writer"--that cites other radical Leftist sources like MSNBC or Leftist commentator Keith Boykin, over that fact that a couple of the most RINO, non-Republican politicians out there aren't voting for Trump. It's meaningless, slathering, blather of no importance since the article clearly has no balance or objectivity in it.
The sheer, blatant, lying in-your-face, mindless stupidity of the usual Trumper suspects on this subject, is such yammering empty headed gibberish, I cannot even respond directly to it.

The insanity of these people gives a whole new meaning to the term.
You were against the Iraq War?

That strains credibility. The vast majority of conservatives supported that war, and called liberals traitors for opposing it.

I've seen so many deny that they did support it now. I'll take you at your word - but it strains credibility.
Obama called the Afghanistan War ... the good war.

here are some of his Socialist Democrat warmonger numbers ...

—2,499 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq so far under President Obama, according to the independent Iraq Coalition Casualty Count.

—Of those, 1,906 have been killed in and around Afghanistan, and 593 in Iraq.

—Under Obama, the United States has been at war for 2,687 days. That’s longer than under George W. Bush — or any other U.S. president, for that matter.

—Obama has conducted airstrikes on seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria. (That’s three more countries than George W. Bush bombed.)

—U.S. combat forces are deployed on the ground in three countries: Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. That’s one more war than Obama inherited, and which his successor will likely have to contend with. "

So, some radical Leftist on-line publication to the Left of the Daily Kos, called The Daily Boulder publishes an unattributed article--the author is listed as "staff writer"--that cites other radical Leftist sources like MSNBC or Leftist commentator Keith Boykin, over that fact that a couple of the most RINO, non-Republican politicians out there aren't voting for Trump. It's meaningless, slathering, blather of no importance since the article clearly has no balance or objectivity in it.
You claiming it didn't happen?
So, some radical Leftist on-line publication to the Left of the Daily Kos, called The Daily Boulder publishes an unattributed article--the author is listed as "staff writer"--that cites other radical Leftist sources like MSNBC or Leftist commentator Keith Boykin, over that fact that a couple of the most RINO, non-Republican politicians out there aren't voting for Trump. It's meaningless, slathering, blather of no importance since the article clearly has no balance or objectivity in it.
Liz has made her disgust with the felon Trump clear. She was on the impeachment committee and saw what Trump did. You hate that she wants America to exist as it has for 250 years and not into a Trump dictatorship. Her father may be a right-wing pro-wealthy nut, but he wants America to continue. Trump does not. You do not The fact that extremely high Repubs are against Trump is meaningful. The fact that 40 people who worked in his Admin in high positions are not backing him is important. intelligent and patriotic people see what Trump is. It is certainly not hidden. Even a Trumpy like you can see what he is. Yet you back him. You and people like you are the problem.
I call bullshit. Cheney is not conservative. He is Uniparty. His only interest is his family's wealth.
"I call bullshit. ̶C̶h̶e̶n̶e̶y̶ Trump is not conservative. He is a Unicorn. His only interest is his family's wealth."

There, fixed it for you. You're welcome.
And it wasn't just the endorsement. It's what he said about Trump.

The only people who don't see Trump for what he is are those under a spell. Literally, that's what it is.
The most dangerous of MAGATs are those who claim to dislike Trump for his various criminal and moral failings, yet vote for him anyways. Don't things like integrity, honesty, principles, honor matter to them anymore?
So, some radical Leftist on-line publication to the Left of the Daily Kos, called The Daily Boulder publishes an unattributed article--the author is listed as "staff writer"--that cites other radical Leftist sources like MSNBC or Leftist commentator Keith Boykin, over that fact that a couple of the most RINO, non-Republican politicians out there aren't voting for Trump. It's meaningless, slathering, blather of no importance since the article clearly has no balance or objectivity in it.
I'll save you, little Missy! Look! Look at these headlines! Cheney DID defect!
It might be helpful for you to spend some time pondering why a far-RWer conservative like either Cheney would announce this. It's not to make "the Left" love them, because we don't. It's a message for YOU.

I love you leftie morons. A short time ago Dick Cheney was the devil and now.....................

Now what? Lefties love him now?

I don't think anyone's feelings on Cheney himself have changed. But the fact that a staunch conservative who was once beloved by conservatives is VOTING FOR HARRIS is significant.
He's still evil. I guess you miss the part where we're laughing our asses off that one of the most conservative (R)s in the current party would rather vote for the (D) nominee than for yours.
Important point. Trumpers tend not to see things as they are or to the extent they do find ways to deal with them by imagining compensating things. Seems by now a hopeless aspect of them. In this case he was narrowing the issue down to where he felt it worked for him. Dishonest and silly.
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on the current state of the Democratic Party: “It’s NOT a political party. It has been captured by something that has objectives that have no place in a democratic society.”“It has engineered a FALSE coalition to demand preposterous things, to rationalize the abuse of power it exercises when it is in office.”“If you think about it as a group of Americans who have a view of the way the country should be governed, you’ll be scratching your head. If, on the other hand, you think of it as a HOSTILE force, one that has no interest in the wellbeing of average Americans, it makes a lot more sense.”“The people who are vocally supporting it are in some ways VICTIMS of a psychological operation that has convinced them to support things that are, frankly, UNHOLY.”
I'll save you, little Missy! Look! Look at these headlines! Cheney DID defect!
It might be helpful for you to spend some time pondering why a far-RWer conservative like either Cheney would announce this. It's not to make "the Left" love them, because we don't. It's a message for YOU.

I didn't say he didn't. I was pointing out it's irrelevant.

on the current state of the Democratic Party: “It’s NOT a political party. It has been captured by something that has objectives that have no place in a democratic society.”“It has engineered a FALSE coalition to demand preposterous things, to rationalize the abuse of power it exercises when it is in office.”“If you think about it as a group of Americans who have a view of the way the country should be governed, you’ll be scratching your head. If, on the other hand, you think of it as a HOSTILE force, one that has no interest in the wellbeing of average Americans, it makes a lot more sense.”“The people who are vocally supporting it are in some ways VICTIMS of a psychological operation that has convinced them to support things that are, frankly, UNHOLY.”
Pure unadulterated projection.