India Central Bank Governor - Crypto has no value "not even a tulip"

Crypto is far too volatile at present. At some point it will become a thing but its a little too wild wild west now to risk money in
it will settle down at some point and find its place.
But lets face it, no money is backed by anything right now. Not ours, not euro, zilch.

And that needs to change. Go back to the gold standard where bills are convertible into gold at a fixed rate. Nothing in principle wrong with fiat money. But in practice governments always go wild with fiat and print money for themselves and to buy votes.
And that needs to change. Go back to the gold standard where bills are convertible into gold at a fixed rate. Nothing in principle wrong with fiat money. But in practice governments always go wild with fiat and print money for themselves and to buy votes.

that was the original purpose of government ! they certainly wont do anything to change that.
YOU are the one guilty of personal attacks. I merely made an obvious point. Crypto is another banker scam.

shit stain liar said:
HAHAHAHA. You stupid moron. We are TOLD it's decentralized but it was created by and is controlled by the Big Banks.


for the rest - what kind of mush melon am I dealing with exactly? the idiot can't keep 15 minutes of his life straight
Of course this is true. It's obvious. Cryptos are backed by nothing and can be printed to infinity. Bitcoin "promises" they'll stop at a certain point - sometimes they say 21 million sometimes 24 million. Whatever - they can and will print all they want. It's a scam. You want non-fiat, then go to gold. You have to dig that out of the ground.

Bitcoin is a rothschilds ploy to get in with "libertarian anarchist" dumbwads.