Indian Spacecraft finds water on the Moon

there are 100 billion galaxies, each with billions and billions of stars, many with planets. I think the odds are in favor of their being other intelligent life somewhere

and what is at the bottom of our or humankind has no idea...

ignorant, we are
amazing....if someone made a black joke you both would be SCREAMING racism.....

We didn't enslave East Indians here in America. They have not been the butt of out jokes and stereotypes for as long. It was a stereotype and I do feel guilty when I laugh at those, but hey, I don't consider it hypocricy, but if you do, then so be it!
amazing....if someone made a black joke you both would be SCREAMING racism.....


I'll reserve my defence until an all black space crew arrive on the moon.
BTW Indians are members of the nation of India and, as such range from very dark skinned people to very light skinned people. Many living in the north of the country are in fact classified as arian.
Perhaps we should be comparing apples with apples?
Black jokes are usually a mix of the morbid and farcical. They are not necessarily about black people.
there are 100 billion galaxies, each with billions and billions of stars, many with planets. I think the odds are in favor of their being other intelligent life somewhere

I very much agree. It is entirely too arrogant to think that we are the only or most intelligent life in the universe. And this is whether you believe in creationism or not.
We didn't enslave East Indians here in America. They have not been the butt of out jokes and stereotypes for as long. It was a stereotype and I do feel guilty when I laugh at those, but hey, I don't consider it hypocricy, but if you do, then so be it!

froggie......the hypocrisy is on your end

stop it....

so if they are not the butt of jokes "for as long" then..............................

OTE=Lowaicue;526214]I'll reserve my defence until an all black space crew arrive on the moon.

what does that have to do with anything? are you racist?

BTW Indians are members of the nation of India and, as such range from very dark skinned people to very light skinned people. Many living in the north of the country are in fact classified as arian.
Perhaps we should be comparing apples with apples?
Black jokes are usually a mix of the morbid and farcical. They are not necessarily about black people.

BTW....i have family from want to stfu about your schtick and debate.....i'm here and ready.....
what does that have to do with anything? are you racist?

BTW....i have family from want to stfu about your schtick and debate.....i'm here and ready.....

Some of my best friends have met Indians.