Indian Student Joke

Who knew someone could be so sensitive about a simple joke. I guess there is no telling with people.

Not sensitive at all (wow you really don't know me), it's just human nature to be annoyed at dealing with the boring, lame and expected.

Anyway, enough is enough, I am through with the peanut gallery here, any more stomping by the king and you may as well join some jelly in a sandwich.
Not sensitive at all (wow you really don't know me), it's just human nature to be annoyed at dealing with the boring, lame and expected.

Anyway, enough is enough, I am through with the peanut gallery here, any more stomping by the king and you may as well join some jelly in a sandwich.

Oh, so you posted that many times against boring and lame?

I never knew boring could inspire such devotion and dedication. And it certainly doesn't show you are sensitive about it.