It absolutely pales in comparison to the countless killings of living humans who have committed no crime ... that you support in your monstrous evil. I know that you were only trying to virtue-signal to other, but it becomes somewhat revolting when you try to make your blood-lust out to be a virtue.
Yet you fight to ensure it continues to happen. You insult those who endeavor to bring it to an end. It looks the same as if you actually celebrate it. How ironic that you are casting the first stone.
Except that you do. You worship the DNC, the root of all evil and the supporter of Planned Parenthood. In fact, the last time I merely pointed out to you your obvious lust for killing, it excited you into exclaiming how much you wish to support them with a donation. Hey, 1st Amendment and all. You are totally entitled to your revolting predilections.
Exodus 20:13 “Thou shalt not kill.”