Infected with wokeness?

Nope. You are the one obsessed with inanimate objects and who projects is obsession onto his political opponents. You, sir, are a gun craven and you are the one who needs professional help.

I am super pro-individual liberty. This is not any inanimate object. I am not the one with a debilitating phobia. You are. Arachnophobes normally avoid spiders; the truly insane try to get spiders outlawed. Normal gun cravens simply avoid guns themselves; the truly insane try to abolish everyone else's right to have just such an inanimate object. They don't try to abolish everyone else's right to have an automobile because they are not car cravens ... they are gun cravens, so they try to eliminate them from all the law-abiding citizens.

You are truly insane.

and that is the real cause of school shootings and other shootings. Guns kill, they kill innocent and guilty alike. They are not designed to ferret out bad guys. The shooter decides who lives or dies. They are crazy and shoot up schools and malls.

Obsessed? You just play opposites like a child. It is weak. Guns are designed to shoot bullets. So kids and family members get shot. In America, during a decade, we kill so many people that it matches the population of Wyoming. The founders must have wanted us to shoot each other.
Although I'm nothing even approaching woke, anti-woke as a description lumps me with the totally wrong people.

Impatient with hyper-sensitivity is how I would describe myself.
Woke means becoming aware that policing and institutions do not treat some groups of people fairly.

That is true of virtually every aspect of society. Singling out particular parts and groups because they are the ones that you think are treating you unfairly is nothing by acting on a childish whim. Being woke means you need to fucking grow up and act like an adult.

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Woke means becoming aware that policing and institutions do not treat some groups of people fairly.

That’s EXACTLY what it means. The left is lazy to let the far right redefine it so easily.

And the right shows their stupidity and ignorance to be so easily duped.