Inherent Contempt of Congress and Contempt proceedings under 2 U.S.C. § 194 for Miers


We are not amused
On Thursday Harriet Miers, Bush's former personal Attorney and his appointee to the Supreme Court that failed, did not appear before Congress as the subpoena decreed. She is now going to be held in contempt.

Here is John Conyers letter to Mier's attorney. He is promising inherent contempt and 2 U.S.C. § 194 contempt, where a US attorney would be appointed and she would go to the Grand Jury for not appearing.

July 11, 2007


Mr. George Manning
Jones Day
1420 Peachtree St., NE, Suite 800
Atlanta, GA 30309-3053

Dear Mr. Manning:

We write in response to your letter dated July 10, which was not faxed to us until 7:15 pm last night. We are disappointed and very concerned by your statement that, based upon a July 10 letter to you from White House Counsel Fred Fielding, your client Harriet Miers intends to disregard the subpoena that was duly issued to her by the Committee on the Judiciary, and refuse even to appear at tomorrow’s hearing of the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law. A congressional subpoena, such as the one issued to Ms. Miers, carries with it two obligations: the obligation to appear, and the obligation to testify and/or produce documents. Even if a witness intends to assert privilege in response to a subpoena, that intention to assert privilege does not obviate the obligation to appear.

We are aware of absolutely no court decision that supports the notion that a former White House official has the option of refusing to even appear in response to a Congressional subpoena. To the contrary, the courts have made clear that no present or former government official – even the President – is above the law and may completely disregard a legal directive such as the Committee’s subpoena. In fact, both present and former White House officials have testified before Congress numerous times, including both then-serving and former White House counsel. For example, former White House Counsel Beth Nolan explained to our Subcommittee that she testified before Congressional committees four times, three times while serving as White House counsel and once as former White House counsel. A Congressional Research Service study documents some 74 instances where serving White House advisers have testified before

Congress since World War II.1 Moreover, even the 1999 OLC opinion referred to in Mr. Fielding’s July 10 letter refers only to current White House advisers and not to former advisers and acknowledges that the courts might not agree with its conclusion. Such Justice Department opinions are not law, state only the Executive Branch’s view of the law, and have no legal force whatsoever. We note finally that another former White House adviser subpoenaed by the Senate Judiciary Committee in the U.S. Attorney matter, Sara Taylor, appeared today pursuant to Congressional subpoena and testified about many of the relevant facts while also declining to testify about other relevant facts based on the assertion of executive privilege.

A refusal to appear before the Subcommittee tomorrow could subject Ms. Miers to contempt proceedings, including but not limited to proceedings under 2 U.S.C. § 194 and under the inherent contempt authority of the House of Representatives.

We are prepared at the hearing tomorrow to consider and rule on any specific assertions of privilege in response to specific questions. We strongly urge you to reconsider, and to advise your client to appear before the Subcommittee tomorrow pursuant to her legal obligations. The Subcommittee will convene as scheduled and expects Ms. Miers to appear as required by her subpoena.


John Conyers, Jr.


Linda T. Sánchez

Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law

cc: The Honorable Lamar S. Smith

The Honorable Chris Cannon

The code for 2 U.S.C. § 194 contempt is this:

Whenever a witness summoned as mentioned in section 192 of this title fails to appear to testify or fails to produce any books, papers, records, or documents, as required, or whenever any witness so summoned refuses to answer any question pertinent to the subject under inquiry before either House, or any joint committee established by a joint or concurrent resolution of the two Houses of Congress, or any committee or subcommittee of either House of Congress, and the fact of such failure or failures is reported to either House while Congress is in session or when Congress is not in session, a statement of fact constituting such failure is reported to and filed with the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the House, it shall be the duty of the said President of the Senate or Speaker of the House, as the case may be, to certify, and he shall so certify, the statement of facts aforesaid under the seal of the Senate or House, as the case may be, to the appropriate United States attorney, whose duty it shall be to bring the matter before the grand jury for its action.

A US attorney would be appointed by Nancy Pelosi or Patrick Leahy and it would go to the Grand Jury.

Here is inherent contempt (PDF page 42):


Under the inherent contempt power, the individual is brought before the House or Senate by the Sergeant-at-Arms, tried at the bar of the body, and can be imprisoned. The purpose of the imprisonment or other sanction may be either punitive or coercive. Thus, the witness can be imprisoned for a specified period of time as punishment, or for an indefinite period (but not, at least in the case of the House, beyond the adjournment of a session of the Congress) until he agrees to comply. The inherent contempt power has been recognized by the Supreme Court as inextricably related to Congress’s constitutionally-based power to investigate.20

Between 1795 and 1934 the House and Senate utilized the inherent contempt power over 85 times, in most instances to obtain (successfully) testimony and/or documents. The inherent contempt power has not been exercised by either House in over 70 years. This appears to be because it has been considered too cumbersome and timeconsuming to hold contempt trials at the bar of the offended chamber. Moreover, some have argued that the procedure is ineffective because punishment can not extend beyond Congress’s adjournment date.

Under inherent contempt, the Sergeant-at-Arms brings her to Congress and if she refuses to testify, she goes to jail until she talks, or until hte 110th Congress's session ends January 2009.
God, I would pay good money to see the Capitol Police and the Sargent at Arms, dragging out Rove and Meirs from the White House in handcuffs.
Contribute to the Obama campaign.
I admit that I like Obama and, if the Dems nominate him, I'll likely vote for him. I don't think he's the second coming of Abraham Lincoln though. Maybe JFK, if we're lucky: a guy who's smart and honest enough to grow into the job once he gets it.
I am not a bit ashamed to say I will vote for whomever the dems nominate.
Any dem will be better than a repub for a few election cycles.
I am not a bit ashamed to say I will vote for whomever the dems nominate.
Any dem will be better than a repub for a few election cycles.
I almost feel that way, but not quite. If they nominate Obama, Clinton or Edwards, I'll almost certainly vote for him-or-her. If they nominate Kucinich -- Hah! -- I'll not only vote for him, I'll work for him.

If, on the other hand, they have a collective brain fart and nominate Mike Thompson or Dennis Cardoza or Mike Ross or Stephanie Herseth then I'll vote for my own party's candidate and burn some jackasses in effigy.
She has that lesbian look to her and she's single so it might be a good sexual experience for her.

Do you really think Bush would allow that without a pardon???---------------ALSO, Has anyone considered that Bush mighthave stepped into it, and could be charged under the same statute as an accerssory? and thus impeached?
WASHINGTON - House Democrats on Thursday took the first step toward holding former White House counsel Harriet Miers in contempt of Congress after she defied a subpoena - at President Bush's order - and skipped a hearing on the firing of U.S. attorneys.
Over the strenuous objections of Republicans, a subcommittee cleared the way for contempt proceedings by voting 7-5 to reject Bush's claim of executive privilege. He says his top advisers, whether current or former, cannot be summoned by Congress. "Those claims are not legally valid," Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Ceritos, said of Bush's declaration. "Ms. Miers is required pursuant to the subpoena to be here now."