Inherent Contempt of Congress and Contempt proceedings under 2 U.S.C. § 194 for Miers

If Bush and Cheney get impeached and convicted, President Pelosi will have pardon power.

Bush and Cheney would have to get impeached at the same time... which would be much more difficult than impeaching any one of them individually. If you impeached Cheney first, then the president would get to appoint a new VP. Then, whenever you impeached Bush...

The other way around, though, I guess the senate would be electing the next president, as the senate would get to choose the next VP in that case. It would be easier the first way, though, as Republicans would be assured they'd be getting a Republican in office, and you can't get 2/3rds without the Republicans. I just don't know who Bush would appoint.
I wonder if impeached would Bush then pardon ?

I would think untill he was officially removed from office he could pardon and nullify the mipeachment ?
A morally horrible option but would that matter to Bush ?

If pardoned, could he then be reimpeached for a pardoned crime ?
I wonder if impeached would Bush then pardon ?

I would think untill he was officially removed from office he could pardon and nullify the mipeachment ?
A morally horrible option but would that matter to Bush ?

If pardoned, could he then be reimpeached for a pardoned crime ?
He couldn't. At conviction he would no longer hold the office or have the power to pardon.
He couldn't. At conviction he would no longer hold the office or have the power to pardon.

but prior to conviction, but after impeachment started ? How about that ?
Sorry I stated that poorly.
Just watch for underhanded moves from bush it is his norm.
but prior to conviction, but after impeachment started ? How about that ?
Sorry I stated that poorly.
Just watch for underhanded moves from bush it is his norm.
It is not a criminal trial, therefore pardons have no power over the proceedings. He could not pardon himself for any action of Impeachment as it is not a criminal trial.

He could pardon himself for any action to be taken after leaving office, such as a criminal trial to follow. But there is no way to pardon himself from impeachment proceedings.
Umm Poppy bush pardoned all indicted and undicted Iran contra conspirators. Which closed the entire issue....
Umm Poppy bush pardoned all indicted and undicted Iran contra conspirators. Which closed the entire issue....
If there had been Impeachment proceedings he could not pardon himself. There were not.

One more time. Impeachment is not a criminal trial, the only penalty is removal from office and it is specifically pointed out that it isn't a cirminal trial. There is nothing to pardon if you are not facing criminal trial and therefore pardons have no power over such proceedings.

Your fear, in this case, is totally unfounded on all fronts.
But are not impeachments for criminal charges only ? I did not know we could vote out the president like England does.
But are not impeachments for criminal charges only ? I did not know we could vote out the president like England does.
No, the term "High Crimes" can fit almost anything deemed unfitting. The current lexicon makes it seem like it must only be a Felony, but nothing can be further from the truth.

Reading the Federalist Papers you can find that pretty much any indescretion could be used for Impeachment but they believed that it would be rare, so far they have been right.