Insanity over the pond

Don't expect anyone on the Left to defend this tripe either. They'll just insult you and toss ad hominem your way.


The UK and Europe fell over a decade ago. Hopefully, Trump followed by Vance will be a major speedbump in our demise in the US.
Nice seeing that pussyboy in Canada be forced out of office. My bet the Molson be a flowin'
OH God, what now?

What is the POINT of this thread? Just bitching about skin color???????????

Is this what MAGA is all about?

It's called stolen valor, cultural appropriation, and falsifying history.

It's pathetic - but too many will lie to children and try to pass this utter bullshit off as fact.
Poor widdle bigot. Wants to bitch about black people but can't get away from nasty libs pointing out what a repulsive racist he is.

So not lying about history is "bigotry?"

Not appropriating the culture of others and claiming it is your own is "bigotry?"

Leftists are as intellectually dishonest as they are dishonest in general.
