Inside the Cockpits of Various Flying Machines

No, he is a 9/11 truther who believes that it would be impossible for a "half-trained" pilot to crash a plane into the Pentagon.

That's because he is a clueless dimwit. It is easy for a "half-trained" pilot to fly a jetliner once it is in the air and to merely crash it into buildings.

The only reason the Pentagon was hit is probably due to the difficulty of picking out the White House traveling at about 160 knots. I believe that was the original target, but the Pentagon was the secondary target and very easy to spot from the air.
Why are conservatives so fond of "I am rubber, you are glue" type comebacks? "You're not smart." - "Nuh uh! YOU'RE not smart!"

That's not a comeback. That's just stupid. Just like you.

Got irony dimwit?

Like I said dimwit; I am more than happy to put my "smart" against your "dimwit" any day, anytime. But of course you won't take up that challenge; you will do what you are doing now, engaging in childish third grade insults thinking that it is a substitute for coherent honest debate.

The reason is simple; you really are THAT stupid. Remember dumbass, you’re the one wandering into the forum hurling stupid insults. God you leftists are hypocritical morons.

Let me summarize it for you because you really are THAT stupid:

Unsolicited insult #1:
TD, you're not smart.

Unsolicited insult #2:
I don't give a shit. You're definitely an asshole, a pedant, and a dumbass.

Now run along you petulant low information dullard; I have better things to do that play the grade school insult game with idiots.
Fact: You're a conservative, therefore you're a dumbass. Conservatives contribute the most to the world after they're dead, then they at least fertilize the ground, instead of providing us with intellectual pollution and dragging down the species.

Fact: you're a low information dimwit who couldn't comprehend a fact if it walked up and slapped you on your empty thick dimwitted skull.

Now run along dimwit; you're not even a challenge with ALL my brain tied behind my back.

P.S. The thread is about flying machines; not about what some ignorant petulant dimwit thinks about me or Conservatives.

God you're one dumb moron you know that?
I pretty much like to throw a bunch of arguments against the wall and see what sticks. It's the Cave Johnson approach.

I haven't seen any examples so far; what I have seen so far is the typical empty headed dimwit leftist whining and vacuous talking points that could never be mistaken for truth, reality or a fact.

But who knows, maybe you will surprise everyone one day and actually say something related to a thread topic or that is coherent; but I wouldn't bet on it.

You're a dimwit who spams threads with a common stupidity typical for leftists.
Anyone can graduate with honors when their degrees' in philosophy or some other bullshit. I took a real man's degree, you took the path of the coward and the simpleton. Just like a conservative: cowards, traitors, worthless, all of them.
Don't get too earned a degree in'll be lucky to get a job flippng burgers or selling shoes! ;)