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Would you continue to have a close relationship with someone like that if you were a political figure? Or just yourself?

If there is one area where Ron Paul has consistently demonstrated a complete and utter ignorance, it's in the art of politics.

He is simply not a good politician. He has great ideas and has been an unparalled force in bringing libertarian ideas to the forefront of debate, but he is a piss-poor politican.
If there is one area where Ron Paul has consistently demonstrated a complete and utter ignorance, it's in the art of politics.

He is simply not a good politician. He has great ideas and has been an unparalled force in bringing libertarian ideas to the forefront of debate, but he is a piss-poor politican.

An assesment of Paul I can agree with.
If there is one area where Ron Paul has consistently demonstrated a complete and utter ignorance, it's in the art of politics.

He is simply not a good politician. He has great ideas and has been an unparalled force in bringing libertarian ideas to the forefront of debate, but he is a piss-poor politican.

LOL, no way! He constantly says the same thing over and over every time I see him. Well, he did have a good interview with Leno but it was mostly just explaining why he wasn't blaming America for 9/11, and how he isn't nutty, but overall, he is like a broken record. Regardless, he still wins the nomination and will be our president!
Would you continue to have a close relationship with someone like that if you were a political figure? Or just yourself?

No. I don't know that they have a close relationship, though, depending on what you mean by that. It's too close for me though.
If there is one area where Ron Paul has consistently demonstrated a complete and utter ignorance, it's in the art of politics.

He is simply not a good politician. He has great ideas and has been an unparalled force in bringing libertarian ideas to the forefront of debate, but he is a piss-poor politican.

I don't know about that. Name us another lib that has done better?
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Ginny Postrel says...

Thanks to The New Republic, libertarians who weren't paying attention in the 1990s, don't read Texas Monthly, and didn't do their candidate research have now discovered that Ron Paul said--or, more likely, allowed to be said in his name (probably by Lew Rockwell)--nasty things in his newsletters. Much reaction can be found at Hit & Run, as well as Andrew Sullivan's blog and The Volokh Conspiracy. The disclosures are not news to me, nor is the Paul campaign's dismissive reaction a surprise. When you give your political heart to a guy who spends so much time worrying about international bankers, you're not going to get a tolerant cosmopolitan.
RString supports Ron Paul and that apparently becomes a source of mockery as his only position, yet the circle-jerk of Hilary/Obama love is rational politics?
RString supports Ron Paul and that apparently becomes a source of mockery as his only position, yet the circle-jerk of Hilary/Obama love is rational politics?

Only position? It's been the bulk of my activity for awhile, but my only position, no way. Quite recently I have talked on here on issues where I disagree somewhat with Paul, trade and immigration.
Only position? It's been the bulk of my activity for awhile, but my only position, no way. Quite recently I have talked on here on issues where I disagree somewhat with Paul, trade and immigration.

*Sigh* I was defending you, and referring to them acting as if your only opinion is in support of Ron Paul...but whatever.
Dondero is saying it was Rockwell, North and Blumert.

Sounds mostly like North. Link below. Consider the double dashes and then look at the articles. I always got a weird sense from reading this guy, but I nere really paid enough attention to connect it all up.
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What most impresses me about this thread String is that you have, in defending Paul against his actual penning of these vile things, have basically done nothing to Rose color the fact that Paul continues to have a relationship, if we can believe the other author above, with the man that wrote them. And in doing that you have shown that that alone gives you pause and creates a sense of unease with Paul. All our candidates have flaws, but in posting these other authors thoughts and concerns on the issue you have gone a great way in showing that you are no pure hack.

I too now have doubts that Paul wrote them. But I have no doubt that he allowed himself to be used by racists, and he knows which one or ones it is and won't out him/them to the world because at least one is still an adviser.

The fact that other pols have allowed themselves to be used by people does not excuse Paul of his being used and it really does not excuse him from not only outting the guy and distancing himself from him. Early on, Damo asked, why not just give the money back? Why not just distance yourself from these people? Those are still two good valid points and I don't believe Paul will ever answer them.

Good on you for exposing the dirt as well as the misinformation that has flooded the airways, netways for the last several days. Like I said, it shows that you are no political hack and that you have priniciples such that you are even uncomfortable with the guy you support most. Well done.
What most impresses me about this thread String is that you have, in defending Paul against his actual penning of these vile things, have basically done nothing to Rose color the fact that Paul continues to have a relationship, if we can believe the other author above, with the man that wrote them. And in doing that you have shown that that alone gives you pause and creates a sense of unease with Paul. All our candidates have flaws, but in posting these other authors thoughts and concerns on the issue you have gone a great way in showing that you are no pure hack.

I too now have doubts that Paul wrote them. But I have no doubt that he allowed himself to be used by racists, and he knows which one or ones it is and won't out him/them to the world because at least one is still an adviser.

The fact that other pols have allowed themselves to be used by people does not excuse Paul of his being used and it really does not excuse him from not only outting the guy and distancing himself from him. Early on, Damo asked, why not just give the money back? Why not just distance yourself from these people? Those are still two good valid points and I don't believe Paul will ever answer them.

Good on you for exposing the dirt as well as the misinformation that has flooded the airways, netways for the last several days. Like I said, it shows that you are no political hack and that you have priniciples such that you are even uncomfortable with the guy you support most. Well done.

You are cetainly principled. I respect that.

But you're a principled idiot.
What I find fascinating about Ron Paul followers is how does one reconcile this information, these newsletters with Paul's libertarianism? For me it means calling himself libertarian is as silly as calling himself republican. Not very thoughtful nor consistent, but most people knew he was only a fringe phenomenon. Another hypocrite worse than the rest.