Insiders Point To Melania Trump As A Potential FBI Informant

Newsweek reports that an informant told the FBI about the unauthorized documents that Donald Trump had taken to Mar-a-Lago. "In order for the investigators to convince the Florida judge to approve such an unprecedented raid, the information had to be solid, which the FBI claimed," a source told Newsweek.

"So much paranoia in a mole hunt, no one to trust, so much to do, so much to lose, so many walls closing in so fast," tweeted former FBI agent Peter Strzok. He ended his tweet with a surprising accusation: "...also, might be Melanie," referring to Melania Trump. But there is currently no evidence that the former first lady tipped off the FBI.

Some are looking at other Trump family members as potential informants. The Independent noted that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump seem to be separating themselves from the former president.
trump destroyed Ivanka's brand, but Jarod made nice bank when his criminal FIL was POTUS. He got massive tax giveaways for real estate projects, and the Oil Cartels seem to love giving him money as well.

Many are saying Jarod, but it could be a SS agent who isn't in trump's pocket
Jared Kushner Most Likely Mar-a-Lago Mole Behind FBI Raid: Mary Trump

Mary Trump was asked who the informer could be. She said it was "tough to choose," but pointed to Kushner, the husband of Trump's eldest daughter Ivanka Trump. Kushner and Ivanka served as senior White House advisers in Trump's administration.

"I think we need to look very hard at why Jared got $2 billion. We need to look very hard at why he has been so quiet for so many months now. And we need to think about who, if it, who could also be implicated in this that would need as big a play as turning Donald in, in order to get out of trouble, or at least to mitigate the trouble they're in," Mary Trump said.
All my reading about the raid revealed no evidence that there was an informant. Pure media invention.

I would agree with speculative, but not an invention.

The search warrant tells what they were looking for, where they were looking, and what laws they were investigating being broken. It does not tell us the evidence that got them that far. There is the evidence that they presented to the judge, that was recused. There is also the evidence that helped them make the decision, which we may never know.

They could get the warrant with the testimony of the people who packed the boxes in the White House, and shipped them off to Palm Beach, along with testimony of the missing documents, and testimony of trump's complete failure to respond to the subpoena. That gets all the elements of probable cause, and does not require an insider, but it lacks the safety the Justice Department needs to go ahead.

The Justice Department needed to know the evidence was still in Mar A Lago. If they had done a whole raid, turned 20-40% of the country against them, and found nothing, it would have been a disaster. It would have been very easy for trump to move the evidence to New Jersey. They needed someone in the inner circle to tell them that the evidence was definitely there. That probably meant they needed to ask the person, have the person say it is there, and then have the person re-enter Mar A Lago, and actually take a photo of the evidence. That is the level of inner circle we are talking about, someone who both knows the evidence is there, and can go back and see the evidence again.

If I had to guess, I would say it is whoever is in the inner circle without trump even remembering they are in the inner circle. That could be his wife, who he seems to forget even exists half the time. But even more likely it is a member of the cleaning staff, or some other random person.
get your head out of your ass and read the thread title, cunt.....

Someone told the FBI that the evidence was still in Mar A Lago. They almost certainly followed it up with a photo, so they were insiders enough to easily return.

That could be Melania. The title does not say it is her, but merely potentially is her. The title is correct.
That would truly be classic! Meliana becomes an informant as a double agent to set the FBI up to make a stupid raid that ends in a political disaster for Trump's opponents. Absolutely brilliant!

How is it a disaster for anyone but the perp idiot?
Yep. Law & Order attracted the male voters. Anti-abortion attracted the female voters. They seem to have flushed both those issues.

If you get female voters really scared, they will go for law & order, but not in the same way as red neck male voters will.
I can't speak for women, but wouldn't most younger trophy wives welcome the chance to be conveniently rid of a morbidly obese, obnoxious, philandering elderly husband?

I'm sure they're deeply in love. And hey, see this bridge? It's for sale, cheap! lol

Shamelessly stolen from Signalman Kenneth's Sunday Funnies:

Newsweek reports that an informant told the FBI about the unauthorized documents that Donald Trump had taken to Mar-a-Lago. "In order for the investigators to convince the Florida judge to approve such an unprecedented raid, the information had to be solid, which the FBI claimed," a source told Newsweek.

"So much paranoia in a mole hunt, no one to trust, so much to do, so much to lose, so many walls closing in so fast," tweeted former FBI agent Peter Strzok. He ended his tweet with a surprising accusation: "...also, might be Melanie," referring to Melania Trump. But there is currently no evidence that the former first lady tipped off the FBI.

Some are looking at other Trump family members as potential informants. The Independent noted that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump seem to be separating themselves from the former president.

I suspect it’s more likely Secret Service agent.