There Can be Only One!
You're a failure.
Go fuck yourself.
You have a nice day, too! Come back and chat when you find a clue.
You're a failure.
Go fuck yourself.
That's not an answer to the question, though.
If he says he has billions of dollars and he doesn't, how does that adversely impact you and your family?
It just goes to prove what a pathetic liar he has always been
It didn't? He went bankrupt a few times. Who saved him? His dad illegally attempted to keep his casinos afloat and failed. His dad was a real billionaire and Trump and his sisters confiscated as much as they could of his fortune. Trump went bankrupt and the banks saved him from going flat broke. They could have watched him suffer. Daddy was a slumlord and a bigot.. Daffy Donald was too good for that.
You cited some imaginary poll as proof, but you provided nothing to support the claim you were making.
Now you want me to provide "citations" to prove what you said is true?
Yeah, that's not how this works, Nancy...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. When you vote for a political system that has consistently provided tax breaks for the wealthier portion of society while leaving the burden of country's revenue deficit to the non-wealthy (aka YOU), that's voting against your best interest. When you vote for a political system that reduces accountability of products (medical, mechanical, economic) from the producers and limits/prevents the ability of the recipient/customer to seek legal accountability for damages received via faulty products or unscrupulous practices that is voting against your best interest. When you vote for a political system that takes away your ability of choice with regards to the most personal decisions in life that involve only your body and your immediate family, that is voting against your best interest. I could go on, but that's the top 3 to date.
2. Oh it makes sense if you stop being willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest regarding ALL the information available (see #1).
3. I didn't say it did, so stop this stupid ass tactic that right wing wonks continuously use when dealing with facts that contradict their edicts. As I did 33 years ago, I point out now a simple matter of history & fact. Not only did Trump start his "career" with a fantastic monetary "gift" from dear old dad, he also given privy to business connections, and later inherited all business and property owning. Do a little research into Daddy Trump and what little Donny came into. Once you get a little more educated on the subject, you might stop these absurd rebuttals of yours.
voting to eliminate gas before having a replacement fuel is against the best interest of most of humanity. yet you do it.
you dems are elitist envirowacko mass murderers.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. When you vote for a political system that has consistently provided tax breaks for the wealthier portion of society while leaving the burden of country's revenue deficit to the non-wealthy (aka YOU), that's voting against your best interest. When you vote for a political system that reduces accountability of products (medical, mechanical, economic) from the producers and limits/prevents the ability of the recipient/customer to seek legal accountability for damages received via faulty products or unscrupulous practices that is voting against your best interest. When you vote for a political system that takes away your ability of choice with regards to the most personal decisions in life that involve only your body and your immediate family, that is voting against your best interest. I could go on, but that's the top 3 to date.
2. Oh it makes sense if you stop being willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest regarding ALL the information available (see #1).
3. I didn't say it did, so stop this stupid ass tactic that right wing wonks continuously use when dealing with facts that contradict their edicts. As I did 33 years ago, I point out now a simple matter of history & fact. Not only did Trump start his "career" with a fantastic monetary "gift" from dear old dad, he also given privy to business connections, and later inherited all business and property owning. Do a little research into Daddy Trump and what little Donny came into. Once you get a little more educated on the subject, you might stop these absurd rebuttals of yours.
1. A poor person has never given me a job. Giving tax breaks to employers benefits many besides the employer. Furthermore, if you confiscated every dime from duh rich, it would run the Federal gubmint for about nine days. I would rather see a company get to keep more of their OWN money than handing out checks to lazy fucks, who contribute nothing to society, to sit on their sofas. I don't want a handout.
And "a political system which takes away your ability of choice with personal decisions in life that involves only your body?" I present the jab or job mandates. I'll just leave it at that.
2. We are all dealt a set of cards and have to play them to the best of our abilities. Life isn't fair, that is just how it is. I don't begrudge anyone who was born into wealth.
Therefore, your proclamation of "voting against your best interest" is purely subjective as I see it completely opposite from you. Voting Democrat is the pinnacle of voting against your own self interests and I will add -- freedom.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
First off, your life story instances seem to change to suit whatever right wing wonk narrative your spewing.
I would love to see you demonstrate how it has...
Here's the glaring flaw in your attempt at a comparative tale: Your subject WAS NOT BORN INTO WEALTH AND PRIVILEGE. He was NOT ADDITIONALLY GIVEN MILLIONS and inherit a list of high end business connections, along with high end banks willing to gamble large loans on his project. Also, he would ADDITIONALLY INHERIT all business and properties owned by dear old dad. You may want to educate yourself as regarding Dump's relationship with Deutsche Bank in his early days.
So yeah, your last sentence is basic moot points and a BS conclusion.
The assertion was made that he was a poor businessman.
He started with millions. He now has billions. Sorry, but that's just not the mark of a bad businessman. If not "good", certainly shrewd. Perhaps unethical. But the guy knows how to make a buck, and it's just silly to pretend that he doesn't...
1. Yes, your rebuttals and claims are nonsense. I established that for the reading audience on a previous exchange. That you don't accept the logical challenges to your blather is only important to the fool you see in the mirror. Seems that ass whupping is sticking in your craw, so your trying your luck here. Sad.
2. Newsflash, toodles. I never asserted, alluded or insinuated that the Orange Oaf was a poor businessman. THAT WAS THE POINT I MADE 33 YEARS AGO TO THE OTHER FOOL ENAMORED OF DUMP. That is the major flaw in your comparison. Whether you accept the sheer logic of such or not is irrelevant.
3. Repeating Dump's standard PR praise is pathetic. Obviously, you're ignorant (willful or genuine) of his odyssey with Deutsche Bank, or his bankruptcy filings, or the numerous failed ventures. Essentially, without Daddy's stake and stipend, Dump would just be another real estate con man on the hustle...of no recognition. As the New York DA's office will prove, his financial house of cards will soon come to an end.
The OP stands valid, despite all your smoke blowing. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So yeah, your last sentence is basic moot points and a BS conclusion.
It's really not.
Have you ever had money? I've had money and I've been poor (thankfully the former, currently). I worked my ass off for what I have because, and I work my ass off to make sure I maintain it. If I didn't, it's unlikely I would still have it...
these criminals only respect corruption.
the pelosis with their fascistic insider trading are who they respect.
He was actually a very good President who, sadly, was remarkably unpresidential in his demeanor and his conduct...
Record low unemployment across all demographics, the destruction of ISIS, sub $2 gasoline, low inflation.
Yeah, who would want any of that?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. Yes, your rebuttals and claims are nonsense. I established that for the reading audience on a previous exchange. That you don't accept the logical challenges to your blather is only important to the fool you see in the mirror. Seems that ass whupping is sticking in your craw, so your trying your luck here. Sad.
2. Newsflash, toodles. I never asserted, alluded or insinuated that the Orange Oaf was a poor businessman. THAT WAS THE POINT I MADE 33 YEARS AGO TO THE OTHER FOOL ENAMORED OF DUMP. That is the major flaw in your comparison. Whether you accept the sheer logic of such or not is irrelevant.
3. Repeating Dump's standard PR praise is pathetic. Obviously, you're ignorant (willful or genuine) of his odyssey with Deutsche Bank, or his bankruptcy filings, or the numerous failed ventures. Essentially, without Daddy's stake and stipend, Dump would just be another real estate con man on the hustle...of no recognition. As the New York DA's office will prove, his financial house of cards will soon come to an end.
The OP stands valid, despite all your smoke blowing. Carry on.
Yeah, you fail.
Back in 1989, I was working in NYC in a small office for a magazine consultant. This was during the time when our future President Donald Trump was making a name for himself in the public eye with a best seller book (The Art of the Deal) touting his real estate and entrepreneur skills and achievements. He was all over local and national TV affiliates, showing off his gold laden home, current pin-up wife, etc.
One of my co-workers, an Italian-American woman in her late 50’s, was quite enamored of Mr. Trump. She constantly expressed admiration as to his “self made” accomplishments. One day, I pointed out that Trump was BORN into wealth, given access to education and business connections people like her (and myself) could never dream to have....not to mention starting his “career” with a few million from dear old dad. To call him “self made” would be a bit of a stretch, to say the least.
“Well”, she stubbornly stated, “it’s what he did with that money on his own that counts!”
I found this declaration jaw dropping for this reason; this same woman turned up her nose at joining the office pool for the local lottery. Her reason being that she didn’t like the idea of “people always wanting something for nothing”. She was oblivious to the glaring double -standard of her attitude towards her fellow wage earners and that of Mr. Trump.
If she is still alive today, I have no doubt she voted for Trump ... As I am sure that her attitude served as an integral part of the basis for the many others who did.
33 years, and I’m still amazed at how some people will vote against their own best interests for others who essentially use them as doormats.
The historian ranking was posted on another thread just a few days ago on this very forum. Look it up.
The citations requested were about my dishonesty and made up poll numbers. So far, you have not demonstrated that either exists.
He takes credit for a process Obama started, he did NOTHING regarding the "destruction of ISIS", and I defy you to provide valid proof of that. And the gas prices dropped because of the COVID pandemic, you simpleton. Less travel, less demand...prices drop. NOTHING attributed to the "genius" of that boorish Orange Oaf of whom you're so ready to suck ass for.
Okay, so it proves he's a liar.
But that doesn't answer the question. How are YOU adversely affected?
Are you, your spouse or your children emotionally damaged when someone tells a lie?