Hello domer76,
Here's the thing. I struggle with taking pleasure in the misfortune of others.
If I am watching a movie, and I know it is a movie, not real, and somebody falls and busts their ass, gets a pie in the face, then that can be entertaining. It's just a movie. They are actors.
But when I see clips of stupid skateboarders who try to do something really risky and they fall and break their back, resulting in spinal injuries for life? I don't think that's very funny.
Some would say the skateboarder was aware of the risk so that makes it OK to laugh at them for being stupid.
I think it's just sad that people think that's cool.
So if somebody is taken in by the propaganda of the right, and they are easily manipulated into looking silly or contradicting themselves, I think that is sad, not funny.
I don't know everything. I do know that nobody else knows everything. I will always be a student of life, always learning. I learn by exchanging ideas, learning what others think, researching it, checking it out for myself, deciding what I believe. Making fun of others for saying something incorrect is not amusing to me. I am only interested in the ever-elusive truth.