T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
I've witnessed it again and again since at least the 80's.I suspect that you're correct.
The Left wants something. They put it on the ballot. They say, "We want a democratic vote on this, and we'll accept the outcome. The people will get a chance to speak."
The election is held and their ballot measure, law, proposition, or whatever, is shot down overwhelmingly. The vote isn't even close and the electorate has shouted "NOT ONLY NO, BUT FUCK NO!" to the Left.
The Left the next day is in all the media saying, "The electorate / people / voters are fucking idiots and don't know shit! We will not stop until we get this (despised) measure, law, etc., passed and enacted." Makes you wonder where, "We will respect the outcome and decision of the people," went.
Now, when you see this repeatedly, like with telescopes on Mt. Graham (an Arizona thing look it up), or gay marriage (35 states put it to a vote and turned it down. California passed a state constitutional amendment to outlaw it--CALIFORNIA!. That's just two examples. The Left wants what the Left wants and like petulant children throw a tantrum when they don't get their way. Put them in charge, and like the child minds they are, the fuck everything up with good intentions that are blatantly unrealistic and unobtainable.