Interesting about God and Democrats...

The Repubs wouldn't be in this mess...

If 85% of the country were Atheist and didn't believe in God, then the Republicans might "be in a mess" by mentioning God 16 times in their platform while Democrats didn't mention God at all. But the fact is, 85% of the country believes in God, so there's that.
If you think an Atheistic Socialist regime is going to let you indulge in those things, you are crazier than you appear. Go ahead and strip all consideration of God from our governing, and you will get the kind of hell on earth you so richly deserve, scum maggot.

We can have reasoned debate on personal liberty, but banishing God is not a good thing to do when your foundation of freedom and liberty is ultimately based on the existence of a Creator that endowed you with inalienable rights. Once that is gone, what is left is MAN and GOVERNMENT, who can just as easily deem your rights invalid as they can grant them in the first place. And they WILL!

I never emplied that the dems would. My point is that the repubs don't like liberty, and they'll chase away potential voters with Godless legislation, and then,,,,, like the hypocrites many are, wonder why they're looking for voters.

Oh, and that's "THEIR CREATER". (Not a Creator) "UNALIENABLE" Not inalienable.

Don't forget Nature, and Natures Creater.

Oh, and my freedom came from the point of a gun, and the dems, and reps are the biggest threat to liberty that I know of. Neither will earn my respect from their words, but mostly by their deeds.

So there! Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
I think they are closer to letting you do all that without a government provided prescription than the Democrats are. When Tom Tancredo came out with pro-legalization (not just medical real legalization) it was a good sign that such sentiments are not that far from conservatives...

Well,,,, we'll just have to see.
If 85% of the country were Atheist and didn't believe in God, then the Republicans might "be in a mess" by mentioning God 16 times in their platform while Democrats didn't mention God at all. But the fact is, 85% of the country believes in God, so there's that.

That doesn't mean they want it in their legislature. How would you feel if a pagan such as my self tried to push his religious beliefs into the legal code? Wouldn't like it much I imagine.
If 85% of the country were Atheist and didn't believe in God, then the Republicans might "be in a mess" by mentioning God 16 times in their platform while Democrats didn't mention God at all. But the fact is, 85% of the country believes in God, so there's that.

My point had nothing to do with God. Only the Godless republican politicians and the hate they generate for themselves. If it were not for Obama being as bad a Pres as he is, the repubs would be looking much worse right now.
That doesn't mean they want it in their legislature. How would you feel if a pagan such as my self tried to push his religious beliefs into the legal code? Wouldn't like it much I imagine.

You're very wise. Many repubs can't understand this simple truth.
This is great news. I am glad there is one party that no longer has to pander to religious mouth breathers. almost sounds refreshing.

Imagine a world where not talking about a mythical fairy tale to get elected by a nation of 300 million would be the norm. Gives me goosebumps.

Exactly. Aside from the obvious 'separation of church and state' thing, their party's disgustingly gluttonously selfish pursuits are why the mention of God by any of them is completely meaningless.

I don't want to starve to death in the streets. Damn I'm a greedy gluttonous narcissist!!

I never emplied that the dems would. My point is that the repubs don't like liberty, and they'll chase away potential voters with Godless legislation, and then,,,,, like the hypocrites many are, wonder why they're looking for voters.

Huh? Did you mean to say "God-ly" instead of "God-less" there? Legislation isn't ever intended to be "Godly" or "Godless." People have always been religious free to practice their beliefs in this country, and that includes being involved in and influencing political policies based upon those beliefs. There is no way to legislate if you strip man of his ability to reason right and wrong. If I feel it is morally wrong to do something, it is most likely based on my religious beliefs. You're trying to argue that I am free to exercise my religious beliefs, I just can't practice them.

Oh, and that's "THEIR CREATER". (Not a Creator) "UNALIENABLE" Not inalienable.

What kind of fucked up nit-pickery is this? "their" and "our" is the same thing, you moron. We the People are "their" and "our" in the context we are discussing, did you somehow think it was different? Or were you just attempting to be an obtuse asshole and failing at that too? "Unalienable" and "inalienable" mean the same thing as well. They are interchangeable in this context. It means they can't be taken away by anyone, not a court, not a president, not a Congress, NO ONE! They are ENDOWED by our Creator...with a capital "C!"

Don't forget Nature, and Natures Creater.

I don't know what the fuck a "Creater" is, you illiterate hick! The Declaration doesn't say anything about "Natures Creater" says "Natures God" which is pretty much the same as "their Creator" in the context we are discussing. Again, attempting to be an obtuse asshole is not your strong suit, better stick with being a blithering moron.

Oh, and my freedom came from the point of a gun, and the dems, and reps are the biggest threat to liberty that I know of. Neither will earn my respect from their words, but mostly by their deeds.

No it fucking didn't... are you not paying attention? Your "rights" (i.e.; freedom and liberty) came from your Creator! They were endowed to you at birth as an American. That is the basis of your freedom and liberty, nothing else. Yes, we had to defend the right to believe this and live free under this philosophy. The 'threat' to your liberty is the bird-brained idea that our rights are something other than endowed by our Creator.

That doesn't mean they want it in their legislature. How would you feel if a pagan such as my self tried to push his religious beliefs into the legal code? Wouldn't like it much I imagine.

Who has passed a law forcing you to worship or believe in God? Pagans are CONSTANTLY trying to force their beliefs on us, it's the crux of all our problems from a social perspective. What you want, is to be able to push your pagan beliefs on me by influencing politics, while muzzling me and denying me the right to advocate for my beliefs. Religious people have just as much right to stand for what they believe in, and it doesn't matter that what they believe in is contradictory to what you believe.
Huh? Did you mean to say "God-ly" instead of "God-less" there? Legislation isn't ever intended to be "Godly" or "Godless." People have always been religious free to practice their beliefs in this country, and that includes being involved in and influencing political policies based upon those beliefs. There is no way to legislate if you strip man of his ability to reason right and wrong. If I feel it is morally wrong to do something, it is most likely based on my religious beliefs. You're trying to argue that I am free to exercise my religious beliefs, I just can't practice them.

What kind of fucked up nit-pickery is this? "their" and "our" is the same thing, you moron. We the People are "their" and "our" in the context we are discussing, did you somehow think it was different? Or were you just attempting to be an obtuse asshole and failing at that too? "Unalienable" and "inalienable" mean the same thing as well. They are interchangeable in this context. It means they can't be taken away by anyone, not a court, not a president, not a Congress, NO ONE! They are ENDOWED by our Creator...with a capital "C!"

I don't know what the fuck a "Creater" is, you illiterate hick! The Declaration doesn't say anything about "Natures Creater" says "Natures God" which is pretty much the same as "their Creator" in the context we are discussing. Again, attempting to be an obtuse asshole is not your strong suit, better stick with being a blithering moron.

No it fucking didn't... are you not paying attention? Your "rights" (i.e.; freedom and liberty) came from your Creator! They were endowed to you at birth as an American. That is the basis of your freedom and liberty, nothing else. Yes, we had to defend the right to believe this and live free under this philosophy. The 'threat' to your liberty is the bird-brained idea that our rights are something other than endowed by our Creator.

Who has passed a law forcing you to worship or believe in God? Pagans are CONSTANTLY trying to force their beliefs on us, it's the crux of all our problems from a social perspective. What you want, is to be able to push your pagan beliefs on me by influencing politics, while muzzling me and denying me the right to advocate for my beliefs. Religious people have just as much right to stand for what they believe in, and it doesn't matter that what they believe in is contradictory to what you believe.

Does that include Muslims?
Huh? Did you mean to say "God-ly" instead of "God-less" there? Legislation isn't ever intended to be "Godly" or "Godless." People have always been religious free to practice their beliefs in this country, and that includes being involved in and influencing political policies based upon those beliefs. There is no way to legislate if you strip man of his ability to reason right and wrong. If I feel it is morally wrong to do something, it is most likely based on my religious beliefs. You're trying to argue that I am free to exercise my religious beliefs, I just can't practice them.

What kind of fucked up nit-pickery is this? "their" and "our" is the same thing, you moron. We the People are "their" and "our" in the context we are discussing, did you somehow think it was different? Or were you just attempting to be an obtuse asshole and failing at that too? "Unalienable" and "inalienable" mean the same thing as well. They are interchangeable in this context. It means they can't be taken away by anyone, not a court, not a president, not a Congress, NO ONE! They are ENDOWED by our Creator...with a capital "C!"

I don't know what the fuck a "Creater" is, you illiterate hick! The Declaration doesn't say anything about "Natures Creater" says "Natures God" which is pretty much the same as "their Creator" in the context we are discussing. Again, attempting to be an obtuse asshole is not your strong suit, better stick with being a blithering moron.

No it fucking didn't... are you not paying attention? Your "rights" (i.e.; freedom and liberty) came from your Creator! They were endowed to you at birth as an American. That is the basis of your freedom and liberty, nothing else. Yes, we had to defend the right to believe this and live free under this philosophy. The 'threat' to your liberty is the bird-brained idea that our rights are something other than endowed by our Creator.

Who has passed a law forcing you to worship or believe in God? Pagans are CONSTANTLY trying to force their beliefs on us, it's the crux of all our problems from a social perspective. What you want, is to be able to push your pagan beliefs on me by influencing politics, while muzzling me and denying me the right to advocate for my beliefs. Religious people have just as much right to stand for what they believe in, and it doesn't matter that what they believe in is contradictory to what you believe.

But, but, I thought you weren't religious!
Dixie said:
Your "rights" (i.e.; freedom and liberty) came from your Creator! They were endowed to you at birth as an American.

Unbelievably stupid. Off the charts.

The rube should get a bronzed turd for this one.

But, but, I thought you weren't religious!

I'm not personally religious. I am very spiritual. But this has nothing to do with my personal beliefs... do you think the whole world should be forced to adopt your personal philosophy? Is everything you advocate, geared around that idea? For me, it's not... I understand we live in a society of diverse beliefs. I don't think my particular belief should trump all others and everyone must adhere. But I do believe I have the right to support or not support things based on what I believe. I also believe you have that right as well. That doesn't make me anti-Christian.
Does WHAT include Muslims? Did I DISINCLUDE them in something? They are endowed by their Creator just like everyone else, with the same inalienable rights. That includes the rights to advocate for what they religiously believe in.

But only if they're American.

Right rube?

God was mentioned 7 times in the 2004 Democrat party platform.

God was mentioned only 1 time in the 2008 platform.

...and 0 in 2012.
it should be obvious, this is because the democrats (party and slaves) find the notion of a higher power other than the state....offensive. thus, they do not acknowledge a 'god'.
I'm not personally religious. I am very spiritual. But this has nothing to do with my personal beliefs... do you think the whole world should be forced to adopt your personal philosophy? Is everything you advocate, geared around that idea? For me, it's not... I understand we live in a society of diverse beliefs. I don't think my particular belief should trump all others and everyone must adhere. But I do believe I have the right to support or not support things based on what I believe. I also believe you have that right as well. That doesn't make me anti-Christian.

Honey, from your hate filled posts here, you ain't spiritual,either, sorry!