Interesting take on the Zimmerman trial.

OK ....lets start...

1. There was enough evidence to convict, despite biased police work. That assessment “is itself a miracle,” Ingber wrote, citing how the Sanford, Florida police handled the killing. “Martin’s body lay in the morgue as a John Doe for three days while his mother was asking for his whereabouts.

8 in the morning, 12 hours since the shooting that took place, police were with Martins mother...and she was informed of the shooting and death of her son

His cell phone records indicated he was on the phone as he was being killed. The person he was on with had no idea where he was.
Meanwhile his admitted killer was on the loose and allowed to produce exculpatory evidence while crime scene evidence was deteriorating. It appears from videos of Zimmerman ‘strolling’ into custody that he was not that badly hurt.

Zimmerman had every right to produce exculpatory evidence to defend himself...
Police were at the "crime" scene minutes after it happened and secured it
It appears ?...Strolling ?...obvious bias
He never claim to be "badly" hurt...the damage was plain for everyone to see and examine

Read idiot, Zimmerman doesn't have that "right", and the timing from the murder to police showing up differs from your fantasy. And yeah, Zimmerman claimed to have his head bashed that needed major stitching. Matter of fact & history that you want to revise.
But in Florida the right of self-defense includes, for whites, the freedom to exculpate oneself.

As it does everywhere in the entire United States


And when that wasn’t enough, the police stepped in, as when the lead detective Chris Serino told Zimmerman the screams for help were his, not Martin’s, over his objection.”

Bulllshit lie....Zimmerman did not object to the voice being his...he merely said "it didn't sound like him"....obviously, under the stress and screaming for someone to
help him, his normal voice and manner of normal speech is not it is for every human being on the planet...

Obviously your revision doesn't cut it, because the cop insisted and Georgie did object. Stop lying, you little shit.

2. The governor’s handpicked prosecutor enters with an agenda. “No account of this trial is complete if it does not start with how the deck was stacked before the trial took place,” Ingber said. “But it continues in the identity of the person that Florida’s [Republican] Gov. Rick Scott selected to prosecute the case: Angela Corey, the prosecutor who sentenced Marissa Alexander [a black woman] to 20 years for firing a gun into the air in her own garage in defense against a convicted abuser of women. I’ll leave it to Alan Dershowitz, who knows the law of defamation, to describe her professional lapses that ‘bordered on criminal conduct.’”

Gov's politics in irrelevant...
Prosecutor's DO NOT sentence the person on trial, and
Corey's case is irrelevant to the Zimmerman matter...

Typical right wingnut logic....suddenly politics are irrelevant....DESPITE the connection of the Zimmerman family to the local political legal system...BECAUSE THEY ARE EITHER ELECTED OR APPOINTED BY ELECTED OFFICIALS, YOU JACKASS!
Typical right wingnut logic....suddenly politics are irrelevant....DESPITE the connection of the Zimmerman family to the local political legal system...BECAUSE THEY ARE EITHER ELECTED OR APPOINTED BY ELECTED OFFICIALS, YOU JACKASS!

I've pointed out the lies and mistakes in some of the list of 'reasons' and you've ignored them or just rejected them without logical rebuttal....
you've been pwned so far so theres not much of a point in continuing, Mr. Doink.....
your a waste of my're a loser.

Typical of losers and liberals, everything is always someone elses fault....

Poor Mr. Doink.
I've pointed out the lies and mistakes in some of the list of 'reasons' and you've ignored them or just rejected them without logical rebuttal....
you've been pwned so far so theres not much of a point in continuing, Mr. Doink.....
your a waste of my're a loser.

Typical of losers and liberals, everything is always someone elses fault....

Poor Mr. Doink.

That you would have the nerve to say you've proven anyone or anything wrong on this forum is hilarious.

Dixie's gotten it right more than you, Bravo.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Typical right wingnut logic....suddenly politics are irrelevant....DESPITE the connection of the Zimmerman family to the local political legal system...BECAUSE THEY ARE EITHER ELECTED OR APPOINTED BY ELECTED OFFICIALS, YOU JACKASS!

I've pointed out the lies and mistakes in some of the list of 'reasons' and you've ignored them or just rejected them without logical rebuttal....

Stop lying......all you've done is pull a bunch of opinions out of your ass that you think pass as bonafide fact. I challenged you to provide proof of what you say. Obviously, you can't so you just continue to blow smoke.

you've been pwned so far so theres not much of a point in continuing, Mr. Doink.....
your a waste of my're a loser.

Typical of losers and liberals, everything is always someone elses fault....

Poor Mr. Doink.

The last four sentences remind me of a petulant child who just doesn't like being told he's wrong. Note that this Nova is not too bright, because I pointed out the sheer stupidity regarding his last statement on relevance of politics regarding the Zimmerman trial....and he just ignores it. Typical libertarian lunkhead/teabagger/neocon response....they just ignore or try to smokescreen over what they can't refute or disprove.

I'm done with this clown for now...let him have the last regurgitated lie and accusations.