Interesting World Statistics on Gun Ownership

Sorry, didn't see it.

Now that I think about it. I believe I remember Switzerland having some kind of compulsory service for most males. That might explain their rather surprisingly high standing.

yeah and if I remember correctly they keep their weapon after training.

Not a problem on the dup. glad for the conversation on the topic.
btw I have guns but am not a gun nut or NRA member.

Just a nut.
And people in the US say that more guns make us more safe, however when you look at this figure and our relative crime rates, you have to conclude that there is at best no direct relationship between those two.
Yes Switzerland and Finland are beset by violence.

Like I said, I conclude there is no direct relationship between higher gun ownership and lower/higher violence. I did not say that high gun ownership caused more violence. Dipshit.
Exactly. There is no correlation between firearms ownership and crime. So why all the regulations and bans?
Like I said, I conclude there is no direct relationship between higher gun ownership and lower/higher violence. I did not say that high gun ownership caused more violence. Dipshit.

Well it doesnt really matter what is found. Its our constitutional right. So unless your FOR rewriting the constitution then its a Null
I am not about to dispute that Chap.

well I do support keeping the guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally unstable.
Fine with me in that regard. But we live in America and we are aloud to own guns. I wish they would stop with the constant chipping away of our born rights. Now i got to get a permet every year that costs like $100. And the newest thing is they send me a PIN number in a very inconspicuous letter with no warning that if i dont have i cant buy a gun at the store and it takes 6-12weeks to get new pin. Utter bullshit
Had to dispatch a dog getting into the trash last night. It was his 4th offense. The only reason it got past the third was he lit out before I could get the gun from the bedroom.

I am an owner of several firearms, some of which would be considered assault weapons but do not pack the punch or the volume (of bullets) of some of my other "hunting" weapons. I am a member of the NRA also, just not a huge comtributor. I figure I can pay them $35 a year to do a little lobbying in Washington that I can't do. I got my "how to vote" thing in the mail the other day. The told me to vote for 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats. That's pretty balanced but I do live in Oklahoma. I know most people around the U.S. that are not Republican friendly think the NRA is just a pro-Republican bunch, but here the voting guide runs about 60-40 Democratic. Oh, and by the way, I don't vote 100% according to thier guide (other issues considered, you know) but it is interesting.
Had to dispatch a dog getting into the trash last night. It was his 4th offense. The only reason it got past the third was he lit out before I could get the gun from the bedroom.

I am an owner of several firearms, some of which would be considered assault weapons but do not pack the punch or the volume (of bullets) of some of my other "hunting" weapons. I am a member of the NRA also, just not a huge comtributor. I figure I can pay them $35 a year to do a little lobbying in Washington that I can't do. I got my "how to vote" thing in the mail the other day. The told me to vote for 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats. That's pretty balanced but I do live in Oklahoma. I know most people around the U.S. that are not Republican friendly think the NRA is just a pro-Republican bunch, but here the voting guide runs about 60-40 Democratic. Oh, and by the way, I don't vote 100% according to thier guide (other issues considered, you know) but it is interesting.
The NRA gives Bill Richardson mad props and he is a Democrat.
My gripe with the NRA is their capitilzation on the fear factor.
If it was not for the " they are gonna take your guns away" chant i would probably join.
... doesn't think that it's unconstitutional to place regulations like permits (which you hate) on handguns to keep criminals from buying them freely, that is.