International Cat Day 2018

It was VERY revealing how SK simply 'waved a hand' and you were 'dismissed', as though unworthy of ANY neural electron activity. That was VERY revealing, Dark Soul.

What's revealing is that you actually think that brain-dead Kenneth has any ability to communicate beyond cartoons, never mind have an impact. The classic movie "Being There" with Peter Sellers comes to mind.
What's revealing is that you actually think that brain-dead Kenneth has any ability to communicate beyond cartoons, never mind have an impact. The classic movie "Being There" with Peter Sellers comes to mind.

Sometimes "Less is More", Dark Soul.

1. SK starts a thread about 'Cats'.
2. Other like-souls respond.
3. They have a commonality, a bond, something of a shared interest.
4. Then ... you pop up out of nowhere (like Freddy Kruger) with ax, knife, and chain saw in hand.

5. See the problem?
6. (of course you don't) Have you considered changing you name to Darth Vader?
Yeah, today is International Cat Day!


Well hell! I wish I had known that yesterday. My wife has some excellent cat recipes.
Sometimes "Less is More", Dark Soul.

1. SK starts a thread about 'Cats'.
2. Other like-souls respond.
3. They have a commonality, a bond, something of a shared interest.
4. Then ... you pop up out of nowhere (like Freddy Kruger) with ax, knife, and chain saw in hand.

5. See the problem?
6. (of course you don't) Have you considered changing you name to Darth Vader?

Cats are graceful, beautiful, and intelligent animals who make remarkable companions for people who show them kindness and have an affinity for them.

Apparently, there is a school of thought that hating cats on principle is how one demonstrates their manhood. It is a tradition that seems to be decades, if not centuries old!

I have heard intimate accounts and family stories of civilian men manning the barricades in Moscow in the face of tsarist shock troops, men risking life and livelihood in the January uprising against Tsar Alexander II, men surviving the siege of Port Arthur, men fighting Nazis to the death in an apocalyptic war of annihilation, and men surviving the Gulag Archipelago with their dignity and humanity intact.

It might just be me, but public displays of cat hatred do not seem to rise to that level of bravery and masculinity. But, I could be totally wrong!
I had a Bengal, Prince, he lived to be 18 and recently passed away. Ocelots remind me of Bengals.

I am sorry to hear you lost your furry buddy, I hope you will always keep your warm memories of him.

Ocelots are beautiful, and so are the bengals!
They are magnificent, they have massive tails which help with balance.


Good point about their tails. I saw that Disney animal documentary "Made in China", and what struck me about the snow leopard is how agile they are, literally climbing straight up vertical cliffs and rock faces....that must be where their tail come into play.
Wild cats.

Leopard cat of SE Asia

Sand cat of the Sahara

Fishing cat primarily found in the Terai region of the Himalayan foothills in India and Nepal, in eastern India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
I am sorry to hear you lost your furry buddy, I hope you will always keep your warm memories of him.

Ocelots are beautiful, and so are the bengals!
He was delightful, a cat who played fetch. He was so agile and intelligent. He figured out how to open the downstairs window in our Alaskan home. He escaped. We couldn’t open the windows unless we locked him out of the room. When he did get out he would bring his kills and drop them on the porch for me. He went nose to nose with a moose one time. It was amazing. They smelt each other than walked away. I have so many great memories of him. He was such a mellow personality, I miss his sweet nature.
I am sorry to hear you lost your furry buddy, I hope you will always keep your warm memories of him.

Ocelots are beautiful, and so are the bengals!
He was delightful, a cat who played fetch. He was so agile and intelligent. He figured out how to open the downstairs window in our Alaskan home. He escaped. We couldn’t open the windows unless we locked him out of the room. When he did get out he would bring his kills and drop them on the porch for me. He went nose to nose with a moose one time. It was amazing. They smelt each other than walked away. I have so many great memories of him. He was such a mellow personality, I miss his sweet nature.
He was delightful, a cat who played fetch. He was so agile and intelligent. He figured out how to open the downstairs window in our Alaskan home. He escaped. We couldn’t open the windows unless we locked him out of the room. When he did get out he would bring his kills and drop them on the porch for me. He went nose to nose with a moose one time. It was amazing. They smelt each other than walked away. I have so many great memories of him. He was such a mellow personality, I miss his sweet nature.


I really like our relationships with our furry friends. They are pure, innocent, uncomplicated, and unconditional.