APP - Internationlist Fascism.

Not if they keep attacking people. Also, the leaders of many of these countries allow outside corporations to come in and set-up shop, which I know is what you're really complaining about.

Spin it how you like. They're still the holdouts agianst globalization more than any other region, especially culturally.
Spin it how you like. They're still the holdouts agianst globalization more than any other region, especially culturally.

I already said, they let the world's largest corporations come in and do as they please. How is that fighting against globalization? Hell, take a look at Dubai!! And the fact that you admire the ME says a lot about what you want to US to look like after we adopt your pseudoeconomic values such as barter and agrarianism.
I already said, they let the world's largest corporations come in and do as they please. How is that fighting against globalization? Hell, take a look at Dubai!! And the fact that you admire the ME says a lot about what you want to US to look like after we adopt your pseudoeconomic values such as barter and agrarianism.

Yeah, Just the largest ones, to get the oil and build a few buildings. The banks want full access to all parts of society, control of their land, the right to dictate their culture, etc. That's how they roll. They're what are known as "assholes".

Yeah, except im diametrically opposed to their entire worldview. But basically alike. Sure.

But they're fighting the good fight against sound, liberal economics. That they want to live in abject poverty just like you should be all the common ground that is necessary to cover your worldview!!
But they're fighting the good fight against sound, liberal economics. That they want to live in abject poverty just like you should be all the common ground that is necessary to cover your worldview!!

You're all turned around. They want to control a country's entire economy so the people can never progress in a self determined way. they want to inculcate economic dependance and materialism, like they have in the west.