Internet troll

So, are you saying, the purpose of these forums is to trial balloon various political approaches, to get a general idea of the common voting Americans response to the approach?

If this is true, what is the function of the Internet Troll in the process?

( I assure the forum, there is a valid function of the Troll, but what exactly is it? )


You asked about these forums. Trolls are mostly worthless. The forums themselves are useful for some.
You asked about these forums. Trolls are mostly worthless. The forums themselves are useful for some.
This political forum.... all political forums...

Are a type of social construct. They did not always exist, but are fairly wide spread, and used by some but not all.

I've used quite a number of them, and over the decades, I've noted certain common traits and functions. If I didn't think they served a purpose to society, I would not bother. But to our form of government, and Democratic Republic based on a 2, 4 or 6 year cycle, depending on the office, they serve a vital role in educating the voters and trialing political approaches to the "Silver Backed Apes" to discuss and review them, before the next election.

Back in my youth, as a "Black Fur Backed Ape", I don't think I would have bothered. The instinct to provide leadership, grows, to replace the need to find a mate and make a family. I live in an empty nest. My grand kids are approaching marriage age, God help them.

I think Political Forums are an important and good thing for our modern society, but very similar to the local pub or tavern, where the retired would gather to jaw-on about societal guidance in other centuries.

But what is the function of the "Troll"?

I have my own observation, but I am interested in yours.

A troll is a person who posts offensive or provocative messages online or performs similar behaviors in real life. Trolls can range from benign to sadistic in their methods and motivations.
Troll can also mean: To sing the parts of (as a round) To sing or recite loudly or merrily To harass, criticize, or antagonize (others or another) A lure or a line with its lure and hook used in trolling
You just described yourself, Sybil.
I think internet trolls come in two forms, with subtypes of each.

The first form is the insulting, asshole, provocateur who simply posts insults, stupidity, and vulgarity to get a response. They are less than worthless and have nothing to offer in a thread. Here on JPP, Doc Dutch is such a troll, as one example. Their posts are almost entirely vulgar insults and asininity. They make everyone miserable but offer nothing, usually less than nothing, to a thread. Their comments are irrelevant.

The second form is the insulting, asshole, provocateur who uses a combination of contrary facts, evidence, and stupidity to get a response. While the difference is subtle, this sort of troll makes those with a contrary position uncomfortable and forces those posting to defend their positions. A good troll of this sort uses sarcasm, snark, and puns to create a response that provokes further discussion or makes the shallow, ill-informed, poster STFU.

The first is worthless to the board as they offer nothing of value. The second is like a good comic or talk show host where their banter forces uncomfortable responses from others, or forces them to drop the subject.
I thought you said you were trolling a troll?
For the lazy, these forums' 'Current Events' and other forums content save a lot of time finding breaking stories of interest on all manner of subjects, and foreign news as well. The trolls are just for entertainment and are easily ignored when not in the mood. Plus re the left wingers and sexual deviants they're clear evidence of what insane hypocrites those sociopaths are and what they're really about. Easier to navigate via the listing style formats as well compared to X.
Plenty of conservatives got their asses busted (fact checked) on X.
