You asked about these forums. Trolls are mostly worthless. The forums themselves are useful for some.
This political forum.... all political forums...
Are a type of social construct. They did not always exist, but are fairly wide spread, and used by some but not all.
I've used quite a number of them, and over the decades, I've noted certain common traits and functions. If I didn't think they served a purpose to society, I would not bother. But to our form of government, and Democratic Republic based on a 2, 4 or 6 year cycle, depending on the office, they serve a vital role in educating the voters and trialing political approaches to the "Silver Backed Apes" to discuss and review them, before the next election.
Back in my youth, as a "Black Fur Backed Ape", I don't think I would have bothered. The instinct to provide leadership, grows, to replace the need to find a mate and make a family. I live in an empty nest. My grand kids are approaching marriage age, God help them.
I think Political Forums are an important and good thing for our modern society, but very similar to the local pub or tavern, where the retired would gather to jaw-on about societal guidance in other centuries.
But what is the function of the "Troll"?
I have my own observation, but I am interested in yours.