Internet Trolls say stuff online they would never say to someone's face

Yet you felt they needed to be posted.

Do you agree or disagree with them?

You never did say.

Was it Right Wing Terrorism? Was it Right Wing Racism front and Center? Was it Here we go again?

You ran away from the first two threads. Answer them and I will answer you.
This is a privately owned board stupid, the 1st doesn't apply.

1. Rana is a troll. Rana trolls because she cannot stand opposing views. Stop kissing her ass. Rana only exchanges with known women posters. She considers the male posters to be non factors.

2. What was the point of this post of yours in the first place? If you don't like the trolling and you want to side track the problems causing the trolling, then you're just being a whiny bitch.

You have to be someone's sock, no one can be this intentionally trollish funny.

The only sock you're going to get is the one that turns your patty ass face into an abstract work of art.

Yes .. I'm a tough old bastard. No .. you're doing nothing on this thread except being a whiny bitch.
Rana is not a troll.

The thread ban feature is the most stupid feature I've ever seen. Mods claim this board is not heavily moderated, yet, they enforce the "rules" at their whim and make up rules as they go. Take the FI for example.

You also have Grind who basically runs the board because Damocles has gone on indefinite leave, and he openly admits to complete bias. He loves it when Legion trolls and breaks rules, but whines like a bitch when others do the same.

Rana should be the new admin because Grind is a POS loser.

You obviously have a personal relationship going with this troll feminist and you have identified the problems here except for the part where the administrator is on some sort of leave. There is no way that you can confirm that.

But you offer no solutions.
Looks like Trollop may have to go back to drowning puppies to get his kicks in future.

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Nothing will be improved here as long as the mods .. mainly legion and Rana are encouraged to troll.

I have brought this up before several times but another problem is multiple logins. This should end. Only one login name should be permitted. The mods especially because legion is using another login to troll the members.

Taking these problems and offering solutions in the complaint department however will only get you personally attacked by the mods. They use the complaint board to do exactly that.

Those are your solutions .. Seahawk you pussy.
Nothing will be improved here as long as the mods .. mainly legion and Rana are encouraged to troll.

I have brought this up before several times but another problem is multiple logins. This should end. Only one login name should be permitted. The mods especially because legion is using another login to troll the members.

Taking these problems and offering solutions in the complaint department however will only get you personally attacked by the mods. They use the complaint board to do exactly that.

Those are your solutions .. Seahawk you pussy.

Legion has legions of alts, hence why he is called "legion" Troll.
Legion has legions of alts, hence why he is called "legion" Troll.

Chicken hawk is making excuses for the administrator. That tells me he is a pussy.

Rana is not responsible for the condition of this forum. Neither is legion.

Only one person is responsible and that person is the owner of this site.

Your options therefore are to tolerate the sight as is or move down the road.
Chicken hawk is making excuses for the administrator. That tells me he is a pussy.

Rana is not responsible for the condition of this forum. Neither is legion.

Only one person is responsible and that person is the owner of this site.

Your options therefore are to tolerate the sight as is or move down the road.
