Loves Me Some Souls
Do you walk away from a car accident?
This wasn't a car accident, stop being a tard.
Do you walk away from a car accident?
This wasn't a car accident, stop being a tard.
No shit, Sherlock?
No kidding, stop being a dumbass.
I beat two motherfuckers in two games of chess. They're dumbasses.
No you didn't, I'm a poker player anyway, I don't give a fuck about your chess. I play chess and I like chess but the money is in poker.
Ok fuck you you want to play Texas Hold Em poker with me with real cash?
In a casino? Sure. Online? no.
and btw moron, if you want action you play Omaha, not HoldEm.
Fuck Omaha.
Just regular poker? I can do that.
No you can't...and I know it.
Want to bet? Pussy boy.
You'd have to come play me at Greektown.
Is that in Greece?
No dumbass. it's not. You don't have Google? What 4th world shithole do you live in?
I am a lot better at poker than you are. I don't have a problem with taking your money...just beware. Fair warning.
I live in 10th world shithole and I've been surviving through playing poker with real money. Fuck you.
A compound made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Also known as dihydrogen monoxide. Chemical formula: H2O