Investigation launched after dead people are registered to vote in Harrisonburg

The girl behind these was a lib student at JMU.
A republican would not be so stupid as to use a well known public figure who had just died.
This isn't a case of voter fraud, it's a case of voter REGISTRATION fraud.

Two totally different crimes.

But of course, the local dimbulb Righties want to create laws covering voter fraud.

All part of the same process. No wonder you N.L.'s and H.L.'s oppose voter ID laws.

DNC v. RNC Consent Decree
April 1, 2009

In 1982, after caging in predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods, the Republican National Committee and New Jersey Republican State Committee entered into a consent decree with their Democratic party counterparts. Under that decree and its 1987 successor, the Republican party organizations agreed to allow a federal court to review proposed “ballot security” programs, including any proposed voter caging.
The consent decree has been invoked several times, by the parties to the decree and by others. Most recently, in late 2008, the Democratic National Committee and Obama for America sought to enforce the consent decree, claiming that the Republican National Committee had not submitted alleged ballot security operations for review. After the election, the Republican National Committee asked the federal court to vacate or substantially modify the decree. The court denied the RNC's motion to vacate the consent decree and ordered the decree remain in effect until December 2017. The RNC then appealed to the Third Circuit, which unanimously rejected the appeal and affirmed the District Court's decision.* The RNC subsequently petitioned for rehearing en banc.
Click here to learn more about voter caging.

Related Court Documents
Petition for Rehearing (2012)
Third Circuit Opinion (2012)
RNC Brief in Support of Motion (2009)
DNC Brief Opposing Motion to Vacate (2009)
RNC Reply Brief (2009)
DNC Post-Hearing Brief (2009)
RNC Post-Hearing Brief (2009)
Debevoise Opinion (2009)
Debevoise Order (2009)
2008 (several states)
DNC Brief (2008)
DNC Brief Atty. Certification of Exhibits (2008)
OFA Intervention Memo (2008)
Minute Entry (2008)
2004 (Ohio)
Malone Motion to Intervene (2004)
Malone Intervenor Complaint (2004)
Malone Memo in Support of Intervention (2004)
Malone Intervenor PI brief (2004)
Malone Order (2004)
Malone Appellate Decision (2004)
Malone en banc Decision (2004)
Malone Dismissal (2004)
2004 (South Dakota)
Daschle SD Complaint (2004)
Daschle Temporary Restraining Order (2004)
2002 (New Jersey)
Order (2002)
1990 (North Carolina)
Order (1990)
1987 (several states)
Consent Decree (1987)
Original 1981 case (New Jersey)
Complaint (1981)
Consent Decree (1982)

guess who the courts have had to actually fight to save elections from cheaters
the emloyees cheated ACORN

ACORN turned them in and flagged the BAD regs

the republicans then attacked and killed Acorn for their honesty in reporting those crimes
Because any liberal will tell you that honesty always overrules justice.

Good one, wackjob. ;)

UNTIL someone tries to cast multiple votes using information from the voter registration cards they filled out, there is NO VOTER FRAUD.

As it stands, the incident from the OP is voter REGISTRATION fraud.
above is an example of retardation or willful ignorance. No other possibility
above is an example of retardation or willful ignorance. No other possibility

Zappy is one of those that believes it isn't illegal unless you get caught and being charged with something is the deciding factor as to whether or not someone did something illegal.
above is an example of retardation or willful ignorance. No other possibility

Zappy is one of those that believes it isn't illegal unless you get caught and being charged with something is the deciding factor as to whether or not someone did something illegal.

Lying Trumpkins can't honestly discuss my claim.

No, they must make up more bullshit and claim it's what I believe.

Zappy is one of those that believes it isn't illegal unless you get caught and being charged with something is the deciding factor as to whether or not someone did something illegal.

Zippy's a fat, useless Democrat shill; nothing more...
Bastards trying to make elections fair and fraud-free, bastards I tell you!

Bastards trying to make elections fair and fraud-free, bastards I tell you!

Well keeping dead people from voting disproportionately impacts black people because there are more dead black people because of slavery

You need to check your white privilege at the door mister