Investigations Into The Personal and Political Mount For Trump

You deny that it is politically motivated, cum gargler?

Did you say the costs of the Travelgate, Whitewater, Monica Lewinsky, and Benghazi investigations were "minimal", cum gargler?

Investigating criminal activity is political? You flyover country rubes were told about the Don and his criminal dealings by people who know him from NY, that is why it was so easy to gull you poorly educated rubes, he told you what you wanted to hear, he would fly into gooberville , whip up the rubes then fly out, never staying with his riff raff supporters longer then an hour
So you say.

Show the cost of Mueller's witch hunt to date, cum gargler.

Muellers above board and honest investigation is supposed to have collected more in forfeitures and fines than it cost. So it is a net positive. So now you will be happy to back it.
Muellers above board and honest investigation is supposed to have collected more in forfeitures and fines than it cost. So it is a net positive. So now you will be happy to back it.

Is that so?

Cite the cumulative cost to date of Mueller's witch hunt, Nerdberg.

I'll understand if you can't.