IOC 'Investigating' Canadian Women Hockey Players


The International Olympic Committee will investigate the actions of Canadian women's hockey players who celebrated their gold medal victory Thursday night by swigging beer and smoking cigars on the ice in Vancouver.

A number of players, including 18-year-old superstar Marie-Philip Poulin, were drinking alcohol on the ice following the team's 2-0 defeat of the United States. (The legal drinking age in British Columbia is 19.) Players lingered for more than 70 minutes after the awards ceremony reveling in the arena, which was empty except for media and arena staff.

Gilbert Felli, the IOC's executive director of the Olympic Games, said that drinking in public was "not what we want to see" from athletes at an Olympic venue. The organization will investigate the actions and will speak with the international hockey federation and Canadian Olympic Committee and ask them to "act accordingly."

Steve Keough, a spokesman for the Canadian Olympic Committee, told the Associated Press, “We condone celebrations. … We don’t condone actions of irresponsibility. I think Canadians understand it’s quite an emotional moment for our team. It was not our intention to go against any IOC protocols.”

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The IOC acts like the girls committed a serious crime, they just won the gold. Talk about kill joys.
The International Olympic Committee will investigate the actions of Canadian women's hockey players who celebrated their gold medal victory Thursday night by swigging beer and smoking cigars on the ice in Vancouver.

A number of players, including 18-year-old superstar Marie-Philip Poulin, were drinking alcohol on the ice following the team's 2-0 defeat of the United States. (The legal drinking age in British Columbia is 19.) Players lingered for more than 70 minutes after the awards ceremony reveling in the arena, which was empty except for media and arena staff.

Gilbert Felli, the IOC's executive director of the Olympic Games, said that drinking in public was "not what we want to see" from athletes at an Olympic venue. The organization will investigate the actions and will speak with the international hockey federation and Canadian Olympic Committee and ask them to "act accordingly."

Steve Keough, a spokesman for the Canadian Olympic Committee, told the Associated Press, “We condone celebrations. … We don’t condone actions of irresponsibility. I think Canadians understand it’s quite an emotional moment for our team. It was not our intention to go against any IOC protocols.”

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The IOC acts like the girls committed a serious crime, they just won the gold. Talk about kill joys.

Big deal.
The IOC people need to be slapped.

With all the stuff they COULD have done after winning the gold, these women had a beer and a cigar.

And these stodgy pricks get their panties in a wad over that??
The IOC people need to be slapped.

With all the stuff they COULD have done after winning the gold, these women had a beer and a cigar.

And these stodgy pricks get their panties in a wad over that??
Yea...imagine if they had to officiate a college football game? Oh wait! They'd fit right in! LOL
The IOC people need to be slapped.

With all the stuff they COULD have done after winning the gold, these women had a beer and a cigar.

And these stodgy pricks get their panties in a wad over that??

... but they did it in the arena, on the ice. It was inappropriate and I'm a little embarrassed for them.

There have been a few instances of questionable sportsmanship detected by the media in these Olympics (probably in earlier ones as well). I realize that it may be over idealistic of me but I'd love to see a return by all athletes, not just a few, to the competition with a focus on who performs best, period. No dirty tricks, no pouting if you lose, no personal tragedies played up (and I'm not referring to the skater whose mother died; that really was tragic). Best athletic performance wins, period. And everyone shakes hands and congratulates both winners and losers.
Its fucking Canada, peoplez! Land of ice and beer!! Of course they're going to drink beer while still on the ice. Although, smoking those evil cigars in-doors where people can die from the second-hand smoke by be going a little extreme...
The International Olympic Committee will investigate the actions of Canadian women's hockey players who celebrated their gold medal victory Thursday night by swigging beer and smoking cigars on the ice in Vancouver.

A number of players, including 18-year-old superstar Marie-Philip Poulin, were drinking alcohol on the ice following the team's 2-0 defeat of the United States. (The legal drinking age in British Columbia is 19.) Players lingered for more than 70 minutes after the awards ceremony reveling in the arena, which was empty except for media and arena staff.

Gilbert Felli, the IOC's executive director of the Olympic Games, said that drinking in public was "not what we want to see" from athletes at an Olympic venue. The organization will investigate the actions and will speak with the international hockey federation and Canadian Olympic Committee and ask them to "act accordingly."

Steve Keough, a spokesman for the Canadian Olympic Committee, told the Associated Press, “We condone celebrations. … We don’t condone actions of irresponsibility. I think Canadians understand it’s quite an emotional moment for our team. It was not our intention to go against any IOC protocols.”

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The IOC acts like the girls committed a serious crime, they just won the gold. Talk about kill joys.

Investigate? Just an excuse to chat up the gals. :)
since when do cops pay for coffee.....

They don't. They pay for doughnuts, and the coffee comes complimentary with each box. The detectives were observing from the distance, although they likely purchased coffee on a regular basis to see how many tits, I mean times, they would be satisfied, I mean solicited!
... but they did it in the arena, on the ice. It was inappropriate and I'm a little embarrassed for them.

There have been a few instances of questionable sportsmanship detected by the media in these Olympics (probably in earlier ones as well). I realize that it may be over idealistic of me but I'd love to see a return by all athletes, not just a few, to the competition with a focus on who performs best, period. No dirty tricks, no pouting if you lose, no personal tragedies played up (and I'm not referring to the skater whose mother died; that really was tragic). Best athletic performance wins, period. And everyone shakes hands and congratulates both winners and losers.
Jeebus Thorn! What kind of games would that be? Sports is supposed to be one great big cauldron of humanistic melodramatic soap opera! It wouldn't be worth watching otherwise.

Take you hobby drag racing. You think us fans care about an engineering innovation that will shave a second off your time? Hell no! We want to see some damned fool put 6,000 HP per cylinder in their engine and see if they can drive the damned thing with out blowing it and themselves up!

I want to see Ali talk some trash until your so mad you could shoot him then watch him do his magic and walk the talk and put the smack down on his opponent.

I want to see the guy who hit the wall finish the Marathon 2 hours behind the field because it's important to him to finish what he started and could care less about us. (remember the Brazilian marathoner from the Athens Olympics who came in third? Now thats' sportsmanship!)

I want to see some kid who just got his ass beat so bad he looked like a fool stand up to the winner and not shake his hand but tell him "Next time I'm gona whoop your ass!"

I wanna see Dr. J or MJ defy the laws of gravity and charge what the market will bear to give us the pleasure of seeing them do it!

That's what sport is all about! :)

Those IOC guys are a bunch a self righteous old busy bodies who aint never been cross checked into the boards with a full head of steam going.

If I'd a been there I'd of offered to light their cigars.....they earned it!
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Jeebus Thorn! What kind of games would that be? Sports is supposed to be one great big cauldron of humanistic melodramatic soap opera! It wouldn't be worth watching otherwise.

Take you hobby drag racing. You think us fans care about an engineering innovation that will shave a second off your time? Hell no! We want to see some damned fool put 6,000 HP per cylinder in their engine and see if they can drive the damned thing with out blowing it and themselves up!

I want to see Ali talk some trash until your so mad you could shoot him then watch him do his magic and walk the talk and put the smack down on his opponent.

I want to see the guy who hit the wall finish the Marathon 2 hours behind the field because it's important to him to finish what he started and could care less about us. (remember the Brazilian marathoner from the Athens Olympics who came in third? Now thats' sportsmanship!)

I want to see some kid who just got his ass beat so bad he looked like a fool stand up to the winner and not shake his hand but tell him "Next time I'm gona whoop your ass!"

I wanna see Dr. J or MJ defy the laws of gravity and charge what the market will bear to give us the pleasure of seeing them do it!

That's what sport is all about! :)

Those IOC guys are a bunch a self righteous old busy bodies who aint never been cross checked into the boards with a full head of steam going.

If I'd a been there I'd of offered to light their cigars.....they earned it!

Now this is what sport is all about. de Lima knows it. For a brief period in 2004 he was the best runner in the world and no madman could take that joy away from him nor could a medal give it back. Though I was thrilled that he was given a gold medal for sportsman ship!

[ame=""]YouTube- Vanderlei de Lima's Athens Olympic Marathon Triumph Over Adversity[/ame]
Jeebus Thorn! What kind of games would that be? Sports is supposed to be one great big cauldron of humanistic melodramatic soap opera! It wouldn't be worth watching otherwise.

Take you hobby drag racing. You think us fans care about an engineering innovation that will shave a second off your time? Hell no! We want to see some damned fool put 6,000 HP per cylinder in their engine and see if they can drive the damned thing with out blowing it and themselves up!

I want to see Ali talk some trash until your so mad you could shoot him then watch him do his magic and walk the talk and put the smack down on his opponent.

I want to see the guy who hit the wall finish the Marathon 2 hours behind the field because it's important to him to finish what he started and could care less about us. (remember the Brazilian marathoner from the Athens Olympics who came in third? Now thats' sportsmanship!)

I want to see some kid who just got his ass beat so bad he looked like a fool stand up to the winner and not shake his hand but tell him "Next time I'm gona whoop your ass!"

I wanna see Dr. J or MJ defy the laws of gravity and charge what the market will bear to give us the pleasure of seeing them do it!

That's what sport is all about! :)

Those IOC guys are a bunch a self righteous old busy bodies who aint never been cross checked into the boards with a full head of steam going.

If I'd a been there I'd of offered to light their cigars.....they earned it!

As a true fan, I find that humanistic soap opera crap really tiresome. I also don't want to see fans mugging for the camera or hear announcers drone on about the drivers' personal lives, or have the drivers suddenly have to act like "stars" and participate in all these contrived vignettes.

Last week a spectator was killed when the tire and wheel sheared off a top fuel dragster and catapulted into the stands. That was horrible, the driver was unhurt but emotionally devastated, and though some "fans" seem to flock to such incidents, I certainly am not one of them. Since ESPN has taken ove broadcasting NHRA events I'm tempted to not watch them at all. We've started recording them so we can skip over all the crap.

I don't care about athletes' personal lives. I want to see skillful performances and teamwork and respect for the players on both sides. I love hockey but am bored by the gratuitous fighting. I love baseball, but am far less impressed by home runs than by excellent defensive fielding. I wish Danica Patrick would stick to driving or get off the screen. We as the general public seem to be more entranced by contrived melodrama than by excellence, and it disgusts me.

That is all.